Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Inquiry lays bare heartless Tories


■ After listening to the Covid inquiry into the Government’s handling of the pandemic, it seems they didn’t have a clue what they were doing. In fact things were much worse than we thought.

Not only did they fail to buy enough PPE equipment and so on, Boris Johnson and others seemed to be in denial. Nor did they seem to care whether people lived or died, especially the old.

We’ve heard from experts and advisers who feared the worst while Johnson dithered and delayed, no doubt costing lives.

The British public have been very badly let down by those elected to serve us. It’s just a shame they won’t be held accountabl­e. Melvyn Kaye, Portsmouth

■ The Covid inquiry has revealed the callous attitude at the centre of the Tory Government. We really shouldn’t be surprised that some Conservati­ve ministers and advisers have shown their true nature with their crude and misogynist­ic Whatsapp messages. In my view, it goes a long way to explaining why the NHS has been underfunde­d for 13 years and how the salaries of both doctors and nurses have been eroded with inflation and the cost of living. Surely, if you care about your country, you should care about the wellbeing of its people? Clive Osman, Nuneaton, Warks

■ Given his disastrous tenure as Mayor of London, why would anyone have expected Boris Johnson to be any different as PM? He promised not to close the ticket offices on the Undergroun­d then closed them. The man is a charlatan and not to be trusted under any circumstan­ces.

To make matters worse, he only became PM in 2019 because of our outdated electoral system. The sooner we are rid of the Tories, the better and we must make sure that they can never gain power ever again by bringing in proportion­al representa­tion for all elections. Alan Bond, Watchet, Somerset

■ The appalling evidence from former Deputy Cabinet Secretary Helen Macnamara over the lack of adherence to Covid regulation­s is shameful. The fact that the majority of the present incumbents of the Government were there when this was going on is just as bad.

They are devoid of any remorse and shame and should resign en masse immediatel­y. Steve Cox, Tonna Neath Port Talbot

■ Just when you thought Boris couldn’t look any more ridiculous, he actually asked if using a hairdryer up your nose could get rid of Covid. It says a lot about how seriously

he took the pandemic by making such a crass comment. The Covid inquiry has certainly given us a disturbing insight into how our Government performed so incompeten­tly during a crisis which caused the loss of so many lives.

M Smith, Chatham, Kent

■ So, we’ve heard that the disgracefu­l Boris Johnson was apparently “obsessed” with the older generation “accepting their fate”. I don’t know how he sleeps at night, but then again he hasn’t got an ounce of empathy in his entire body. Anthony Hornby, Birkenhead Merseyside

■ Thanks to the Covid inquiry we know exactly what Johnson and the rest of his cronies really think about the old and infirm in our society. We were considered expendable.

I can only assume that by not enforcing a ring of steel around care homes at the outset of the pandemic, the view was that if they catch Covid then so be it. J Hinchliff, Bury, Gtr Manchester

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