Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Man jailed for 16yrs over brutal death at house

- BY ASHLEIGH MCDONALD irish@mgn.co.uk

Threre is no justice for taking the life of our brother so cruelly


THE heartbroke­n family of a retired teacher murdered by a drug addict in “prolonged and repeated violent assaults” told yesterday how their lives will “never be the same again”.

Robert Flowerday’s siblings spoke of their loss as a 35-year-old man was told he will spend the next 16-and-a-half years in jail before he is considered eligible for release.

Labelling the tariff “right and appropriat­e”, Mr Justice Colton said the murder of the 64-year old in Crumlin involved violent attacks “on a defenceles­s man in his own home”.

Michael Owens initially denied murdering Mr Flowerday, but later confessed to the killing and said the motivation was burglary as he owed a significan­t amount of money due to his abuse of cocaine.

After targeting the victim in his Mill Road home on the outskirts of the Co Antrim village on January 27 last year, Owens battered him with an axe, claw hammer and poker.

Speaking at Belfast Crown Court where Owens, from Lisburn Road in Glenavy, was sentenced, Mr Flowerday’s brother Alan and sister Pat spoke of their loss. Pat also told how their brother Eddie was too ill to attend.

She said: “No doubt all these happenings have had an adverse impact on his health and certainly on his recovery.

“For us, no sentence could ever make up for the devastatio­n that he had done to our family.”

Alan added: “The family have been devastated by Robert’s murder and our hearts ripped apart.

“Today, after almost two years, we hear the judge committing this brutal murderer to a life imprisonme­nt with a tariff of 16-and-a-half years.

“This is not justice for taking our brother’s life so cruelty. Life should mean life.

“Here we are, the victims of our brother’s murder, suffering the loss, feeling the agony, the torture of which Robert was subjected to and then having to foot the bill as taxpayers for Legal Aid and his [Owens] accommodat­ion in Maghaberry Prison.

“Not only have we lost a brother and uncle, but the community of Crumlin has lost someone they loved – and so many children have lost out on his amazing teaching skills.

“He helped anyone, and did so on a regular basis, crossing communitie­s and bringing people together. No job was too much for him.

“Robert’s house – which was once the happy, warm, welcoming family home – is now a cold, desolate shell that presents constant reminder of the heinous crime, the tragedy, the cruelty and the torture and pain.”

Alan thanked those who came forward with informatio­n about his brother’s murder, and also praised the PSNI and PPS.

Also speaking outside court was Detective Inspector Michelle Griffin, who paid tribute to the Flowerday family for their “dignity and patience throughout this investigat­ion”.

She said: “I know today’s sentencing will not take away their loss or pain but I hope it will allow them to start to grieve properly.”

The DI added: “Robert was beaten viciously with a hammer, poker and an axe over a prolonged period and sadly he died from his injuries. Mr Owens not only subjected Robert to a horrendous death, he then tried to start a fire to hide his horrific crime. A crime he carried out solely for the purpose of stealing money to feed his drugs and alcohol habit. “Mr Owens then disposed

of his outer clothes to get rid of evidence but thanks to the hard work of my detectives we were able to uncover DNA on his belt and a plastic bag he used as a mask as he carried out his ruthless attack.

“I would like to thank the Crumlin community for their help in this investigat­ion. In particular the family that Robert was due to visit that evening who raised the alarm with police that he had not arrived for their child’s tutoring session.

“I’d like to pay tribute to the member of the public who on hearing our appeal phoned police to name Michael Owens as the suspect. This demonstrat­es the powerful results that can be achieved when communitie­s and police work together.”

The sentence was also welcomed by senior public prosecutor Kirsten Mckevitt from the PPS, who said: “The PPS Serious Crime Unit worked closely with the PSNI to build the strongest possible case against Michael Owens.”

The court heard how Owens received a call from a friend during the fatal incident. The caller could hear sobbing in the background and was told by Owens “F*** off, I’m doing a job. Leave me alone”.

During yesterday’s sentencing, Mr Justice Colton noted the multiple injuries inflicted in the fatal attack which included 18 separate laceration­s to his scalp, face and neck.

Mr Flowerday’s jaw and nose were broken, his skull was fractured in five places, and the extensive wounds to his hands, wrists and arms suggested he tried to defend himself.

Mr Justice Colton said it was clear just how much of a devastatin­g impact Mr Flowerday’s murder has had on his family and friends. The judge added: “What emerged from these victim impact statements is a brother who was dearly loved and valued. That love and value was not confined to family members.

“It is clear from demonstrat­ions of support from members of the community living in the Crumlin area that they too were shocked and appalled at Robert’s murder.

“They have expressed their support for the family in very public ways, through vigils and personal demonstrat­ions of sympathy and support. Former students have taken to social media to express their appreciati­on for Mr Flowerday. The picture that emerges is of a man who lived a blameless and worthy life.

“He was someone who made a valuable contributi­on to the community which is understand­ably shocked and appalled at his brutal death.”

Turning to Owens, Mr Justice Colton said Mr Flowerday’s death appears to have occurred due to a “mean attempt to steal money” which then escalated into a “vicious assault as the deceased sought to protect his property and defend himself ”.

 ??  ?? LETHAL WEAPON Axe used in savage attack on retired teacher
LETHAL WEAPON Axe used in savage attack on retired teacher
 ??  ?? DEVASTATED Sister Pat
 ??  ?? BEREFT Victim’s family outside court in Belfast yesterday
EVIL Michael Owens
PROBE Home just outside Crumlin
KIND & CARING Robert Flowerday
BEREFT Victim’s family outside court in Belfast yesterday EVIL Michael Owens PROBE Home just outside Crumlin KIND & CARING Robert Flowerday

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