Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Spotting signs of elder abuse


It’s important to know the signs of abuse and gently share your concerns with the person you think is being targeted.

Look out for the following: They’re becoming quiet and unusually withdrawn

They’re being aggressive or angry for no obvious reason, they’re looking unkempt, dirty or thinner than usual

Sudden changes in their character, such as appearing helpless, depressed or tearful

Physical signs such as bruises, wounds, fractures and other untreated injuries

The same injuries happening more than once

They’re not wanting to be left on their own or alone with particular people

Being unusually light-hearted and insisting there’s nothing wrong with them

Their home may lack heat, be unusually dirty or untidy

Sudden changes in their finances, not having as much money as usual to pay for shopping or regular outings, or getting into debt.

If you feel someone you know is showing signs of abuse, talk to them to see if there’s anything you can do to help.

If they are being abused, they may not want to talk about it straight away but don’t ignore your concerns.

That could allow any abuse to carry on or escalate, so seek help if you are unsure.

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