Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

I love the ghost of Diana. She’s the conscience of the play, as if she’s watching over them all... it’s very fitting



BEFORE it has even been broadcast, there has been a right royal row about the BBC drama, King Charles III. Based on a 2014 play by Mike Bartlett, it opens with the Queen’s funeral, and goes on to joke about Prince Harry’s real dad being James Hewitt, and shows Camilla slapping Prince William’s face. And all the while, Princess Diana’s ghost floats around Buckingham Palace. Paul Burrell, 58, was the Queen’s footman for 11 years before becoming Princess Diana’s butler and “rock”. Here, he gives his opinion on the play, which will be on BBC2 at 9pm tonight...

THEY say fact is sometimes stranger than fiction, but King Charles III is a combinatio­n of the two. I am familiar with all of the locations, which were beautifull­y shot, and the major characters, some of whom rang true, and some of whom did not. I thought some moments could have been lifted straight from my memory. I was amused to see Prince Charles, played by the late Tim Pigott-smith, stomping up and down petulantly and throwing a book across the room at the Prime Minister, as I once had to dodge a book at Highgrove because I had spoken with the Princess the night before about a personal matter. He picked the book up, said, “You bloody idiot!”, and threw it at me. I managed to dodge it. That was a scene completely out of my life. I’ve witnessed Charles’s petulance and immature sense of humour first hand. And the sort of stomping up and down on the spot, like a child, that he does, which they have captured very well. Charles does also fidget all the time – he is unsure of himself. It’s because he’s spent a lifetime of waiting for the throne. Maybe waiting for something that will never happen. It’s led to him being unsure. He is never definite, he waivers. He takes advice, but considers himself always to be right. But I also felt sorry for Charles at times as I watched a vulnerable, misguided and out-of-step prince faced with the dilemmas of today.


I do not believe the Royal Family will watch the drama. They won’t even read about it. It will be as if it never happened. Even the film The Queen, when she was played by Helen Mirren, was never seen by the Queen as far as I am aware. This play will be seen as too irreverent because it begins with the Queen’s funeral, and no-one talks about her death. We all know it’s going to happen, but they won’t talk about it. The scene itself could almost have been lifted from Diana’s funeral – a gun carriage is pulled through the streets of London carrying a coffin draped in the Royal Standard. Seeing it brought back so many memories. The big difference is that in the show everybody’s face was solemn and miserable, whereas at Diana’s funeral there was crying, wailing, hysteria and noise. When the Queen dies – I

hate to talk about it because it will be the end of a golden Elizabetha­n era – millions will turn out to pay their respects, as many as for Diana. I will be very, very sad when she dies. I stood beside her for 11 years, and I know she is a good, kind, Christian lady who I have nothing but respect and admiration for. She is a wonderful, wonderful lady. She’s the lady you want to be your gran.


In a nutshell, the plot has Charles succeeding his mother as king, but going on to make a mess of it all, being forced to abdicate by his son William helped by his Lady Macbeth of a wife. It’s unfair to portray Kate as a Machiavell­ian, scheming madam only thinking of herself. She is softer, she has William’s back and William’s best interests in mind – but she is not scheming. The public won’t take kindly to this representa­tion of Kate, and neither will William because he is so protective of her. I was, though, rather pleased to see Diana’s ghost appear. She will always haunt the House of Windsor. Diana runs as a thread through it because she changed the monarchy forever. She is presented as the conscience of the piece, as though she is watching over them all. I like that and thought it was very fitting. But there is a point at which truth stops and the fiction begins. William and Harry would never refer to their father as “dad”, as they do in the show. He was always “papa”. And I am not Camilla’s number one fan, but I doubt very much that she would, as portrayed, resort to slapping Prince William across the face. There’s also a moment where William blames Prince Charles for destroying his mother. I know William and Harry’s loyalties between their parents have been tried over the years, but I also know from personal experience they loved Charles and Diana equally and William would never have said that. So that is simply not true.


Harry is definitely not as rebellious as portrayed. He is a sensitive, kind and generous man and would certainly not be partying all over the town after the death of his grandmothe­r. He would also never give up his title to marry a commoner. Instead, he will make his wife a princess. As a child, Harry was always the fun guy. He was Diana’s baby, whereas William was slightly aloof because he was being taught kingship from a very early age, which made him a little more serious and studious. Harry was the one who developed a fun character, which is shown in the programme. But they didn’t get it right because he is not that irreverent. When Diana died, William was older and able to understand better, while Harry wasn’t. When they came to see me at Kensington Palace, her death broke his heart. He broke down in my arms. William didn’t – that’s the difference between the two. Diana tried to give them both a similar education by taking them out and teaching them about important issues, such as homelessne­ss and aid, but she spent more time with Harry, because William had it all, and Harry didn’t.


The drama suggests, once again, that Harry is not Charles’ son, which must infuriate him. There is no doubt in my mind that this is not the case. I never heard any of the Royal Family discussing James Hewitt being Harry’s dad because we knew the truth. It’s something that’s been made up. It was just because Harry had red hair, but all the Spencers have red hair. If it ever did come up, Diana just laughed because it is farcical. Now, for Harry’s sake, everyone should put it to rest. He must be sick of it. I have never heard him mention it, ever, but he must be sick of it.


Diana made several prediction­s in her life: One, that she would die in a car crash, and, two, that Charles would never be king because he was not fit for the top job. I personally do not think Charles will ever be king. Something will happen in the next 10 years to prevent him from being king – perhaps the will of the people. It is true there may be uncertaint­y when the Queen dies, but I sincerely hope that will not be for at least 10 years, by which time Charles will be almost 80. Wouldn’t it be sensible, as the show suggests, for Charles to hand over the burden of monarchy to his son William for the sake of the future of the Royal Family? Fact or fiction, I just do not feel that the country is ready for King Charles and Queen Camilla. The question that this whole show is asking is: “Should Charles be king?” Do you want King Charles and Queen Camilla, or do you want the monarchy to skip a generation? Times are changing. And personally I believe the future belongs to William and Katherine. As told to Laura Connor

 ??  ?? REVIEW Paul Burrell gives his opinion on royal drama
REVIEW Paul Burrell gives his opinion on royal drama
 ??  ?? DIANA Played by Katie Brayben in stage version
DIANA Played by Katie Brayben in stage version
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