Daily Mail

I fear Starmer and Miliband are creating a taxpayer-funded white elephant that will decimate our energy security


KEIR Starmer has a touching faith in the idea that by giving a grandiloqu­ent name to his new quango – Great British Energy (GBE) – his aspiration­s for a carbon-free and energy-secure nation will be fulfilled at a stroke.

The whole country would, of course, welcome a green and pleasant land with cleaner air, lower carbon emissions, cheaper fuel bills and reduced dependence on Vladimir Putin and his gas pipelines from Russia to the West.

But the truth is that the Prime Minister and his Energy Secretary, green fanatic and failed Labour leader Ed Miliband, are living in cloud cuckoo land. They will deliver few, if any, of the bold pledges they are making.

Let me explain. In the King’s Speech, Sir Keir’s new government confirmed that GBE, the state-owned energy company, will develop, own and operate energy projects such as wind farms, using public money to help spur further private sector investment.

But the £8.3billion of seed money promised by the Exchequer for Britain’s energy transforma­tion over the term of the current parliament will be a drop in the ocean.

In spite of the overblown language, this is a fraction of the sums already devoted to ‘climate reduction’ goals by our UK-listed oil firms Shell and BP, as well as domestical­ly owned power suppliers Centrica and Scottish & Southern Electricit­y (SSE).

Some argue it is reassuring that GBE will be headed up by the former boss of German multinatio­nal Siemens’s British arm, Juergen Maier, who might bring some much-needed private-sector experience to the job.

What is less reassuring, however, is the disastrous financial performanc­e of Siemens Energy – which ran up losses of £3.7billion in 2023 alone. Combined with the desperate track record of past Labour government­s to command and control the economy through grandiose quangos such as the National Enterprise Board of the 1970s, it looks almost inevitable that GBE will become yet another vast black hole, sucking in public cash at the expense of other strained public services.

Most critically, by blocking future North Sea oil licences, as Starmer has done, and for the moment holding fire on the prospects for new nuclear production, the nation’s energy security is being sacrificed in order to pursue unproven green energy ‘solutions’.

In doing so, Starmer and Miliband are exposing the nation to the danger of factories being closed, the elderly and poor freezing in their homes – and lights going out when the wind fails to blow and the sun doesn’t shine.

It is also critical that the UK can maintain a minimum level of electricit­y production at all times – especially if the Government pursues a madcap rush towards electric vehicles (EV) which, in many cases, are proving notoriousl­y unreliable.

That is why Centrica-owned British Gas is investing heavily in renewing the nation’s gas storage capacity at Rough off the East Yorkshire coast and exploring other potential sites in Wales.

Not to mention that Starmer and Miliband appear willing to trash 100,000 North Sea oil-related jobs, sabotage Aberdeen and lose £30billion of new investment in fossil fuels, and the engineerin­g services which go with them, to drive the ‘green revolution’. Labour believes that by signing an agreement yesterday with the Crown Estate – which has command over most of the nation’s coastal waters – it can somehow magic up £60 billion of new investment. Admittedly, this will be useful. Indeed, the link to the monarchy alone could potentiall­y attract some overseas investors on the grounds of offering a kind of royal imprimatur. But we shouldn’t get carried away by Labour’s hoopla.

ThE Crown Estate has much more expertise on redevelopi­ng real estate, such as the shops of London’s swish Regent Street, than it does in energy.

Nor perhaps, are all of Miliband’s eco-wheezes quite as revolution­ary as he would have us believe. Before its new agreement with Labour, for example, the Crown Estate was already in talks with Scandinavi­an pioneers and Danish offshore energy experts.

And despite the Crown Estate’s prestigiou­s reputation, the fact remains that the only thing that will attract investors is a competitiv­e entry price. If the price at which energy generated at the offshore windfarms can be sold is set too low to make the projects viable, it will put off bidders.

We learnt this the hard way in a crucial auction late last year, when not a single company bid to run a new offshore wind farm. Why? Because the Tory government had set the energy price too low. Even more seriously, a major proposed investment off the coast of Norfolk was temporaril­y put on hold.

The same thing happened in the US last year when Ørsted cancelled £3.3billion of wind projects because it could not make the returns.

Earlier this year, BP also pulled out of its involvemen­t in New York state wind farms – at a heavy cost to investors – because of the difficulty of getting decent returns.

The ultimate goal in all of these wind farms may have been lower prices for consumers. The reality is that only by offering a higher energy price to investors will they come forward – and the projects be built. It’s an uncomforta­ble truth for Starmer and Miliband, who want to be seen to be providing the cheapest energy possible to voters.

They have been repeatedly questioned about when – or even if – their ‘Green New Deal’ would deliver lower prices for consumers. They couldn’t answer. So much for cheaper bills.

A secondary aim of GBE is to boost our manufactur­ing sector, creating new skills and new jobs to replace those in fossil fuels.

This may be a perfectly noble aim. But in Britain, we have already sold ourselves out. Most of the solar panels being installed on the roofs of homes and factories across the UK are being built in China at a fraction of the cost they can be made in the UK.

ONE only has to look at how Beijing is dominating the market for electric cars – and the 50 per cent tariffs erected in the US and Europe to slow imports – to understand how difficult it is going to be to compete with Asian production.

There also is evidence from pressure group Tech Transparen­cy that Chinese suppliers of wind farm equipment are using cheap Uyghur labour to manufactur­e wind turbines. It will be all but impossible for UK manufactur­ers (currently responsibl­e for less than 10 per cent of wind farm components) to compete.

It’s not all bad news. There is one area of green technology where Britain has a competitiv­e quality and engineerin­g advantage. Rolls-Royce, with the assistance of government funding, leads the world in the developmen­t of ‘small modular reactors’. These are mini, simple-to-construct nuclear reactors based on the turbines that power nuclear-powered submarines.

Rolls-Royce believes it is capable of capturing a £250billion global market if it receives the goahead from Whitehall for UK production. The Czech Republic has already expressed interest in buying them.

Tens of thousands of real jobs – not the Potemkin quango roles envisaged by the new Government – are there to be created.

So far, however, Miliband has been slow to give the green light.

We can all pray for the success of Great British Energy and the zero-carbon nirvana envisaged by our mission-driven Government.

But I fear we are creating a taxpayer-funded white elephant which will decimate our energy security.

GIVEN what is already widely known about the state of the NHS, I didn’t think much could shock me in the Department of Health and Social Care.

I walked through the doors of the department knowing the health service is going through the biggest crisis in its history.

Patients are finding it harder than ever to get a GP appointmen­t, an operation, even an ambulance when they need one. NHS dentistry no longer exists in large parts of our country, and half a million people in need of social care aren’t getting any support at all.

Yet what I found on my desk in my first week left me genuinely stunned.

There are NHS hospitals which haven’t been inspected for a decade. One in every five health or social care providers have never received a rating.

Some of the inspectors examining care homes were overheard saying they’ve never met anyone with dementia before. Hospitals are receiving ratings based on inspection­s of just one corner of the building, rather than a proper look at all department­s.

Enormous trust is placed in the NHS and social care services.

They are tasked with looking after us at our most vulnerable. That trust is partly based on experience – many of us owe a huge debt to the care of the staff working in the health service. As a kidney cancer survivor, I owe them my life.

But the trust is also based on the confidence that the right checks and balances are in place. This report published today shows the regulator is not fit for purpose.

This comes back to a political leadership that oversaw a conspiracy of silence about the true state of the NHS. The Conservati­ves didn’t think patients would like the answers, so they stopped asking the questions. Fewer than half the number of inspection­s were carried out last year than in 2019/20.

The denialism of the previous government seeped into too much of the health service. This government will be different. Our policy is radical candour.

On the day I was appointed Health Secretary, I announced that the NHS is broken. I wanted to send a message to everyone working in the NHS that things have changed. They won’t just get spin and scapegoats from their government any more. We will be honest about the failures of the health service, and serious about tackling them.

Sunlight is the best disinfecta­nt. If patients are being left unattended, unsafely on trolleys in corridors for hours because there aren’t enough beds available, I want to know about it. If they’re being treated in unhygienic conditions, I want to know about it. It will take time to turn the NHS around, but we will only write the correct prescripti­on if we get the right diagnosis.

In the two and a half years since I was made Shadow Health Secretary, I’ve been inundated with frontline nurses telling me the Care Quality Commission isn’t doing its job properly. They aren’t inspected enough. And the inspectors don’t talk to them about what’s going wrong. Frontline staff don’t want problems swept under the carpet, they want them acknowledg­ed and solved.

This isn’t just about patient safety. I want to reform the NHS so patients have much greater control over their own healthcare. Patients must be able to see whether they are getting the standard of care we expect of the NHS, and be able to trust the ratings for the hospital or GP they’re looking at.

I want to thank Penny Dash for bringing her important report to my urgent attention, and the brave people inside the CQC who gave Penny the ammunition she needed to come forward with the unvarnishe­d truth.

I know patients will be concerned with some of the findings. My promise to them is that it will be the mission of Keir Starmer’s government to turn the NHS around, so it is once again there for them when they need it.

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