Daily Mail

Has Strictly lost its glitterbal­l charm?


Isn’t the real curse of strictly that over-pampered so-called stars are asked to compete?

It is, after all, a competitio­n requiring hard work and physical and emotional resilience. the profession­als are judged harshly if their celebritie­s don’t improve, and the standard expected is far higher than when the show started 20 years ago. the pro dancers have to move their lives to accommodat­e their celebritie­s for three months, while being paid a modest wage, unlike the judges. some celebritie­s are not graceful and can’t handle the workload. It is an intense time but the rewards are huge. Many of us suffer emotional and physical distress in the workplace but we don’t get chaperones.

I bet if you offered ordinary folk the chance to have a go, there would be no shortage of volunteers.

Sarah Bentley, Berkeley, Gloucs Why is everybody getting at the profession­als? they are hired to get the best out of whoever they are given. the judges seem to expect perfection by the third week from people who have never danced before. they should ease up a bit.

B. emmerSon, tattershal­l, lincs

Is It time to call an end to strictly? It’s supposed to be fun, frivolous family entertainm­ent but now seems to be mired in scandal and nastiness.

eunice WoodS, Saxmundham, Suffolk thE clue’s in the title, all those complainin­g. It’s not strictly Come strolling In Comfy shoes. surely these publicity-seeking contestant­s had an inkling of the harsh training involved in profession­al-level dancing? If you can’t stand the heat, keep out of the lucrative reality tV. amanda yateS, newcastle upon tyne thE problem with strictly celebritie­s is that they are used to being pampered by everyone. Being a dancer means long hours of very hard work that is extremely repetitive and physically draining.

chriStine JameS, costa del Sol strICtly speaking, Fred Astaire must have been a real bully, then. Or just a perfection­ist.

ian carlyle, devizes, Wilts

 ?? ?? Great expectatio­ns: Contestant­s line up at the start of last year’s show
Great expectatio­ns: Contestant­s line up at the start of last year’s show

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