Daily Mail

PM calls for Gaza ceasefire as he holds talks with both sides

- By Political Correspond­ent

sir Keir starmer last night told the israeli government there is a ‘clear and urgent need for a ceasefire’ in Gaza, while reassuring the Palestinia­n leadership of their ‘undeniable right’ to a state.

The Prime minister gave Benjamin Netanyahu (pictured) his condolence­s over the October 7 massacre but also raised issues of humanitari­an aid entering Gaza and the pursuit of a two-state solution.

yesterday, sir Keir also spoke to Palestinia­n Authority President mahmoud Abbas about the ‘ongoing suffering, and devastatin­g loss of life’ in the territory. The Labour leader has faced pressure from his own MPS to take a tougher stance condemning israel for its conduct during the war, which has seen an estimated 38,000 Palestinia­ns killed.

His election manifesto committed Labour to recognisin­g a Palestinia­n state as part of a process that results in a two-state solution alongside israel. But the party was punished at last week’s election by muslim voters over the party’s initial refusal to back a ceasefire. During the exchange between sir Keir and mr Netanyahu, the Pm also said the situation in northern israel, where exchanges of fire with Hezbollah have been taking place, was ‘very concerning’. A No 10 spokesman added: ‘The Prime minister reiterated his condolence­s for the tragic loss of life following the October attacks. He then set out the clear and urgent need for a ceasefire, the return of hostages and an immediate increase in the volume of humanitari­an aid reaching civilians. He added that it was also important to ensure the long-term conditions for a two-state solution were in place, including ensuring the Palestinia­n Authority had the financial means to operate effectivel­y.’

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