Daily Mail

12,000 sign petition to block Harry hero award

- By Cameron Charters

PRINCE Harry is facing a mounting backlash over a controvers­ial decision to grant him an award set up to honour an American soldier killed in Afghanista­n.

More than 12,000 Americans have signed a petition demanding the Duke of Sussex does not receive the memorial award set up in honour of Pat Tillman, an American football star who turned down a £3million contract to fight for his country after the 9/11 terror attacks.

The Pat Tillman Award for Service, run by TV network ESPN, is awarded to those who have shown loyalty to institutio­ns, such as Mr Tillman, who served in the 75th Ranger Regiment in Iraq and Afghanista­n from 2003 to 2004.

Critics of the decision to honour Prince Harry, who served in the Armed Forces for two tours in Afghanista­n, point out he chose to abandon the British monarchy.

The campaign to prevent the prince receiving the award was started by Patti Michel, who said the death of Mr Tillman in 2004 ‘touched my life deeply’.

She said: ‘Prince Harry, while a former military officer, has been involved in controvers­ies that call into question his suitabilit­y to receive an honour of this magnitude. In contrast, Pat Tillman exemplifie­d duty, honour, and sacrifice.

‘Awarding this honour to someone who does not reflect the award’s intent diminishes its value and disrespect­s Tillman’s memory.’

Mr Tillman’s mother Mary has also condemned the decision.

She told The Mail on Sunday: ‘I am shocked as to why they would select such a controvers­ial and divisive individual to receive the award. There are recipients far more fitting.’ Her son was killed in an ambush in Afghanista­n while providing covering fire to comrades. He was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart for bravery.

ESPN said: ‘ESPN, with the support of the Tillman Foundation, is honouring Prince Harry specifical­ly for the work of The Invictus Games Foundation as it celebrates its 10th year... While we understand not everyone will agree with all honourees selected for any award, The Invictus Games Foundation does incredible work and we believe this is a cause worth celebratin­g.’

Mary Tillman is not connected to the foundation for her son. Harry was approached for comment.

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