Daily Mail

Insurance savings tips for drivers

28% consider quitting due to costs


Last year was particular­ly harsh on drivers, with premiums soaring by an average of 50 per cent as the cost-of-living pressures took effect.

Data shows the average premium for drivers is on the up across all age ranges from over £1,250 for those aged 18-24, falling to £880 for 25–34-year-olds, £700 for 35-44 and down to £500 for 45-64 – with 65-79 enjoying the cheapest premiums at approximat­ely £450 per year. Quotezone.co.uk has created a list of the top 10 savings tips to help drivers give their finances a fresh start for the new year and save where they can. One of the most important things for drivers is to be safe and avoid penalty points. Drivers can expect premiums to rise by 5 per cent for three points, and 25 per cent for six points if they have a clean licence.

Quotezone.co.uk CEO Greg Wilson said: ‘One of our recent surveys showed that escalating costs are actually making over a quarter of drivers reconsider driving altogether . With these

§ soaring costs, we’ve had more than double the customers flock to our site in the last year, meaning we’ve been able to help twice as many people hunting for savings. And there are other ways to save too. It can be as simple as finding a safer place to park overnight, reducing your mileage or trying a telematics product to record your safe driving – ideal if you do lower than average mileage. With the start of a new year, it’s the perfect time to take a fresh new look at your spending and see where savings can be made for the year ahead.’

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