Daily Mail

Why didn’t anyone save baby Finley?


THIS was never meant to happen again. How did the courts and social services allow another innocent baby to be subjected by his parents to torture and abuse that resulted in his death only 39 days after he had been returned to their care?

What happened to the lessons we were told had been learned after the deaths of Victoria Climbie, Baby P and countless other children?

After Finley Boden had been taken into care soon after his birth because of fears he would come to harm, how could anyone have concluded that it would be safe to give him back to his drug addict parents, Stephen Boden and Shannon Marsden?

Even during the Covid lockdowns, social workers who were prevented from seeing a child in an at-risk home should have called on the police to batter down the door.

The NSPCC says recommenda­tions from previous reviews into the murders of babies have not been implemente­d — why not? It is a total disgrace. Shame on everyone involved.


ANOTHER child killed by monsters pretending to care for him. They don’t deserve to live, but as we no longer have the death penalty, they should be locked up for the rest of their vile lives.

GERRARD FIELDS, Oakham, Rutland.

THE murder of this dear baby shows the failings of social services to monitor what was going on. How could they have been fobbed off so easily by his abusive parents? So-called life sentences of a minimum of 29 and 27 years are not adequate punishment for the disgusting torture this little child endured. RIP Finley. you deserved so much better from everyone.

DEREK STOCKER, Bexhill-on-Sea, E. Sussex.

IF EVER there was a case for the return of the death penalty, it is the terrible murder of baby Finley. His parents will serve their sentences protected from other prisoners. Why should the taxpayer have to fund their incarcerat­ion when their guilt is 100 per cent proven?

There should be a referendum for the return of the death penalty, as there was for Brexit, but politician­s fear the inevitable result.

M. BARNES, Withernsea, E. Yorks. NO DOUBT an official inquiry will conclude that lessons must be learned from the death of Finley Boden.

JANICE SMITH, Rotherham, S. Yorks.

 ?? ?? Innocent victim: Ten-month-old Finley Boden was murdered by his parents
Innocent victim: Ten-month-old Finley Boden was murdered by his parents

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