Daily Mail

Men behaving badly have run out of excuses

- Craig Brown www.dailymail.co.uk/craigbrown

As he read the newspapers yesterday morning, the Duke of York must have been surprised by how few supporters he has left.

Over the past year, I have noticed that any mention of his name is greeted by a succession of competitiv­e tales concerning his rudeness or pomposity.

Last week, someone told me about a grand house party to which the Duke had been invited as a dinner guest. When he entered the room, everyone just carried on chatting. This caused the Duke to get on his high horse: ‘Right. Let’s do that again, shall we?’ he said. he then left the room, and made them all stand up as he re-entered.

Insiders used to keep tales like this to themselves. Occasional­ly, stories of the Duke’s bad manners made it into print, but they would be dismissed as gossip.

For instance, Wendy Berry, a former housekeepe­r at highgrove, Charles and Camilla’s home, once compared the ‘utterly charming and polite’ Prince edward with the oafish Prince Andrew.

‘Andrew took delight in strutting around his apartment with nothing on, barking instructio­ns as staff hurriedly picked up wet towels and dirty clothes strewn around the bed . . . staff were practicall­y invisible as far as he was concerned, since they were there to serve and not to question his actions.’

When things go belly-up, this is the kind of behaviour that comes back to haunt you. Anecdotes which, even a few years ago, might have seemed playful, now seem lewd.

In his sparkling royal biography Philip & elizabeth: Portrait Of A Marriage, published in 2004, Gyles Brandreth describes being present at a Buckingham Palace reception for captains of industry.

‘The Queen is now extolling the virtues of the royal website and telling another group of guests how keen Andrew and edward are on surfing the Net, when up behind comes Prince Andrew, Duke of York. her Majesty moves on and I say to her son, “I’ve just been hearing how you’re a dab hand with a mouse.” “No,” he booms, “I’m more of a nipple man myself.” ’

Back then, Brandreth took this as just another example of Andrew’s playfulnes­s. he went on to describe him as being on ‘fine flirtatiou­s form . . . as he bounds cheerily between female newscaster­s’. But we now live in a less forgiving age. If the Duke has any supporters, they are keeping their heads down.

Only a few years ago, many would have leapt to his defence — those who told of any such scandal would automatica­lly argue that the man was the true victim, and the woman had only herself to blame.

Unfortunat­ely for the Duke, that generation has passed away.

I have been listening on BBC iPlayer to an interview conducted by Anthony Clare with the romantic novelist Dame Barbara Cartland in 1991.

‘If a man is a man,’ she says, ‘if a woman walks into his bedroom naked or wearing a black nightgown, of course he’s excited by her. he wouldn’t be a man if he wasn’t. so if you’re a woman and you love your husband and look after him, a) you oughtn’t to have people walking into his bedroom, and b) you [should] make him so happy with you that he won’t let them.

‘I so much prefer men to women, always have. I think men are marvellous . . . I adore them, they’re all wonderful, wonderful people.’ ‘What about women?’ asks Professor Clare. ‘You see them as the bearers of trouble, do you?’ ‘Yes, of course.’ ‘What if I were to put to you a very commonly expressed view that much of the horrendous violent crime is done by men — often against women?’

‘Oh, I don’t think so. I think that nowadays they pick on the men. I mean, if a man goes to bed with a woman, it’s in the papers the next day as being something awful. They’re demasculin­ising the men.’

DAMe Barbara continues: ‘It’s the women who are behaving badly, not the men . . . every single judge, every single policeman will tell you, hooligans who break up football grounds, who do all the things which we all think are wrong, are people who are not loved. Why aren’t they loved? Because their mothers have gone out to work, won’t stay at home, therefore they’ve got a hate against the world, they’ve got a chip on their shoulders.’

sadly for the Duke of York, Dame Barbara died in 2000, aged 98, and her forthright opinions about men and women seem to have died with her.

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