Daily Mail

Why we find it so difficult to keep it simple

- By Victoria Allen Science Correspond­ent

If simple solutions elude you, don’t feel bad ...our brains may be hardwired to over-complicate problems.

scientists believe that when we are asked to solve a puzzle, we add extra steps on the path to finding an answer – because it takes less mental effort – rather than removing obstacles in the way.

Us researcher­s gave 200 people a lego platform, held up on its base by just one plastic brick in the corner.

They then asked them to stop it collapsing onto a toy figure under the weight of a house brick. The simple solution was to remove the single piece. instead, and despite the threat of a fine every time they did so, 61 per cent of people added pieces to prop up the platform.

another trial gave people ten ingredient­s for soup and asked them to make it better by swapping them with others.

Just 31 people used fewer ingredient­s, while 51 people added more and seven kept the same number.

Others asked to improve an essay they had written added words, rather than editing it down, in 83 per cent of cases.

People were more likely to subtract things if they were reminded this was an option. They were most likely to wrongly add elements when under extra pressure, such as being asked to complete two tasks at the same time.

and the study, published in the journal nature, could help to explain why so many people end up feeling overwhelme­d.

First author Dr Gabrielle adams, from the University of Virginia, said: ‘That’s when we get things like over-burdened schedules, busy people, increasing red tape in institutio­ns.

‘and we are missing out on opportunit­ies – opportunit­ies to make our lives more fulfilling, institutio­ns more efficient, and even to make the planet better.’

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