Daily Mail

FOR THE PIZZA DOUGH Pizzas from the grill

Prep 40 minutes + proving Cook 10 minutes



• 2 tbsp olive oil

• 385g pizza sauce

• 200g mozzarella, grated

• 12 chestnut mushrooms, sliced

• 8 mixed baby sweet peppers, cored, deseeded and sliced

• 80g rocket, to serve

• Pinch chilli flakes, to serve

• 185g white bread flour, plus an extra 2 tbsp for dusting

• 135g wholemeal bread flour

• 1 tsp dried yeast

• ¾ tsp salt MAKE the dough by combining the ingredient­s in a bowl. Form a well in the centre, pour in 365ml lukewarm water and mix using your hands to form a sticky dough. Cover the bowl with clingfilm and set aside to rise for 8-10 hours, or until the dough has doubled in size. Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces, then shape each into a ball. Transfer these to a board and dust over some of the extra flour. Dust a work surface with some more of the flour, then roll one of the balls into a 20cm-diameter circle. Dust a little more of the flour over the dough, then top with baking paper. Repeat with the remaining dough, stacking as you go and separating with baking paper. Prepare a lidded barbecue. Ensure the grill rack is clean, then heat two-thirds of it to very hot, the remaining third to low. Working with 2 pizza bases at a time, brush each side with a little of the oil, then place on the hot side of the barbecue. Cover and cook for 2-3 minutes. When grill marks appear, pop any large bubbles that form on the surface, then flip the pizza bases onto the cooler side of the grill. Quickly spread each base with 3 tbsp of the pizza sauce and scatter over 25g of the cheese. Top with a few mushroom and pepper slices, then slide back to the hot side of the barbecue. Cover and cook for 2-3 minutes, until griddle marks appear on the base and the cheese has melted on top. If the pizza base starts to burn before the cheese has melted, move the pizza to the cooler side of the grill. Repeat with the remaining pizza bases and serve each topped with the rocket and chilli flakes.

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