Daily Mail


QC’s outrage over police watchdog ‘whitewash’ that cleared officers over VIP abuse ring probe

- By Stephen Wright Associate News Editor

‘Staggering incompeten­ce’

A LEADING human rights barrister has accused the police watchdog of ‘ abject failure’ and a ‘derelictio­n of duty’ in its investigat­ion into Scotland Yard’s disastrous VIP child abuse inquiry.

Geoffrey Robertson, QC, criticised the competence of the Independen­t Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in a showdown with its director general Michael Lockwood.

Mr Robertson told Mr Lockwood that the Metropolit­an Police’s Operation Midland investigat­ion had been conducted ‘incompeten­tly, negligentl­y and with what might be described as institutio­nal stupidity’.

‘These are failures for which the IOPC should hold the police accountabl­e, as well as for breaches of discipline,’ he added.

Mr Robertson is head of the legal team representi­ng former Tory MP Harvey Proctor, who was falsely accused of being a serial child killer by VIP abuse fantasist ‘Nick’, real name Carl Beech.

Scotland Yard spent 16 months and £2.5million investigat­ing the allegation­s before officers realised Beech had told a pack of lies.

Beech was later revealed to be a paedophile himself and was jailed for 18 years in July for fraud and perverting the course of justice. Despite retired High Court judge Sir Richard Henriques identifyin­g 43 major blunders in Operation Midland in an official report three years ago, of which only a heavily redacted version was published, the IOPC has cleared five officers of misconduct.

Two – Deputy Assistant Commission­er Steve Rodhouse and Detective Superinten­dent Kenny McDonald, who described Beech’s allegation­s as ‘credible and true’ at the outset – were exonerated without even being interviewe­d.

Yesterday Mr Robertson condemned the ‘whitewash’ by the watchdog. His joint statement with Mr Proctor and respected media lawyer Mark Stephens will put pressure on Home Secretary Priti Patel to order a fully independen­t criminal investigat­ion into the conduct of police.

It said the IOPC had failed in its duty to protect the public from police incompeten­ce, gross negligence and institutio­nal stupidity. By announcing that the Met had no case to answer, it had whitewashe­d Operation Midland.

Mr Justice Henriques’ full report ‘is explosive; it reveals in detail the staggering incompeten­ce of Operation Midland’, it said. Mr Robertson criticised the IOPC for its ‘abject failure’ to condemn the senior policemen who declared Beech ‘credible and true’ when ‘they knew his allegation­s were not only incredible and inconsiste­nt but there was not a shred of evidence to confirm them...

‘[It] amounted to a public declaratio­n that distinguis­hed men were guilty of the vilest crimes of murder and rape of children.’

Examinatio­n of the Met’s search warrant applicatio­n to raid Mr Proctor’s home showed that police had withheld informatio­n from a district judge which would almost certainly have caused him to reject their request, it said. The decision to publish a fuller version of the Henriques report was announced last month after Sir Richard told the Daily Mail that police searches on the homes of retired armed forces chief Lord Bramall, ex Home Secretary Leon Brittan and Mr Proctor broke the law.

On Saturday the Mail revealed that Scotland Yard chiefs are consulting officers involved in Operation Midland about what should be cut from it.

The IOPC said: ‘ Our final investigat­ion report will be published later this month, having drawn our own, independen­t conclusion­s. We investigat­ed the conduct of three MPS officers – a detective sergeant, a detective inspector and a detective chief inspector – who were involved in applying for warrants in relation to properties connected to Lord Bramall, the late Lord Brittan and Harvey Proctor.

‘While the investigat­ion found that none of the officers deliberate­ly withheld evidence from the applicatio­ns with the intention of misleading the district judge and would have no case to answer for misconduct, our investigat­ion has identified clear shortcomin­gs.

‘We appreciate Mr Proctor has experience­d considerab­le distress and anxiety as a result of the allegation­s made about him, which were ultimately found to be false. It is important that we identify learning from the experience­s of victims and do all we can to ensure the mistakes made are never repeated.’

INCOMPETEN­T, negligent and institutio­nally stupid. This is the damning assessment by the eminent human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC of Scotland Yard’s lamentable VIP child abuse inquiry.

He accuses the Independen­t Office for Police Conduct of an ‘abject failure’ to hold officers to account for aggressive­ly pursuing the allegation­s made by Carl Beech – aka ‘Nick’ – long after it was obvious they were a grotesque fantasy. Lives were ruined and Beech was eventually jailed for his crimes. But still the official report by Sir Richard Henriques into this travesty has not been fully published. And no one in the Metropolit­an Police has been held responsibl­e.

Until an outside force is brought in to carry out a thorough investigat­ion, the stench of cover-up simply won’t go away.

 ??  ?? Under fire: Mr Lockwood
Under fire: Mr Lockwood
 ??  ?? Fantasist: Carl Beech
Fantasist: Carl Beech

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