Daily Mail





(Hamish Hamilton £14.99, 208 pp) READING Deborah Levy’s stylish new time-slip novel, longlisted for this year’s Booker Prize, feels like being spun around while blindfolde­d. Switching between the period before German reunificat­ion and the immediate aftermath of the Brexit vote, it holds up a mirror to recent European history, only to smash it and jumble the shards.

We follow Saul, an eyeliner-wearing historian who is hit by a car and dumped by his artist lover, Jennifer, while in London in 1988; later, in East Berlin, he has a fling with a translator, Walter, who whose arrest by the secret police he inad inadverten­tly brings about.

But Bu when we cut suddenly to 2016, Saul is knocked down again, à la Groundhog hog Day, and figures from his past recu recur, transforme­d...

As ever with Levy, the crystallin­e clarity of the t prose rubs up against our per perplexity about the bigger picture, whic which is part of the peculiar fascinatio­n of a book that demands, and bears, repe repeated re-reading.

SHELF LIFE by Livia Franchini (Doubleday £12.99, 288 pp)

NARRATED by a 30-year-old nurse, Ruth, this intriguing debut ends up weirder and more structural­ly adventurou­s ous than its chattily plain-spoken ope opening leads us to expect.

It k kicks off amid her gloom following a break-up with Neil, her accountant boyfriend of ten years, who turns cold when she rejects his proposal of an open relationsh­ip.

Our hunch that she’s better off without him is confirmed once the narrative starts to be told from his perspectiv­e too, ranging back and forth in time to focus as much on his sinister procliviti­es as on Ruth’s post-monogamy singledom.

We see how Neil schemed to seduce her after first sleeping with her highschool frenemy, Alanna, whose daiquirisp­lattered hen night Ruth dutifully arranges in the present.

A morally twisty incident at the care home where Ruth works, involving a lecherous old patient who gets more than he bargained for, makes for a provocativ­e climax to an unpredicta­ble exploratio­n of 21st-century sexual mores.

BEYOND THE SEA by Paul Lynch

(Oneworld £12.99, 192 pp ) THERE’S a perverse relish to be had from just how bad things get in this cheerless story of two men in a boat. Unfolding in rugged, austere paragraphs adrift in white space (one page just reads ‘Storm’), it follows two Latin American fishermen, Bolivar and Hector, who, shipwrecke­d in the Pacific Ocean, cling onto life by drinking their own urine and scavenging barnacles from passing debris, occasional­ly tucking into a slice of raw turtle.

Their salt-stung tale grows nastier still when the men turn on each other, harsh words leading to vengeful violence.

When, needled by Hector, Bolivar examines his guilt over an abandoned daughter, the question of their survival recedes as the focus shifts to more everyday trials of masculinit­y.

But while the novel tries to overcome the in-built stasis of its scenario by drumming up interest from Bolivar’s painful backstory, the abiding sense of seabound fog hanging over his characteri­sation can’t help but dull the impact.

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