Daily Mail



November 23 — December 21 WiTh Jupiter swelling your tide, 2017 promises to be an exciting journey. Every ship needs a captain. And every captain relies on their crew.

You’re no novice… you’ve experience­d ups and downs on the seven seas, ridden the waves and survived storms. Yet, as Jupiter, captain of your celestial vessel, tacks a line into the eye of the Uranus tempest, you may worry your ship isn’t in good enough shape.

Don’t fear the pull of Davy Jones’s locker. As Uranus’s ‘winds of change’ test Jupiter’s explorator­y sails, you’ll find the resources — and the crew — to batten down the hatches and heave upon the ropes that tow you to shelter. The next year can have this transforma­tive effect.

With Saturn in your sign linking with Uranus this year, lessons you have learned from adventures will form the foundation for your next achievemen­ts.

Storms fade, oceans calm and winds come and go. Yet with the planets fighting your corner this year, you’ll be able to tackle your challenges, whatever the weather, and sail through with flying colours.

There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5609. visiting somewhere special in an unfamiliar town. here i am, a friendly native. Ask for directions and i’m happy to help. But to benefit from my wisdom, be willing to accept what i offer. it’s no use trying to catch me out!

i respect healthy Aquarian cynicism — orders followed blindly, without adaptation, rarely end well.

But just as there are moments when only your unique vision can see the path forward, there are also times when local knowledge can be trusted. Next year will bring opportunit­ies to listen to others’ ideas and insights.

in doing so, you’ll see the world differentl­y, and your place in it can feel more fulfilling.

This new perspectiv­e means seeing people in a different light. But does it become harder to maintain relationsh­ips that hold great significan­ce?

No! Life in 2017 has valuable lessons in store. They will allow you to see further than ever before.

And, those who truly value you, whose hearts delight in your happiness, will join you in a year of powerful progress.

There’s more great 2017 news for you. Call 0906 751 5611.

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