Daily Mail

How do you tell two little boys Daddy murdered their Mummy?

The awful dilemma facing Linda, a loving grandma raising the sons of her daughter, who was burnt to death by her City trader husband

- by Sarah Rainey

MOST mothers dream of having the sort of relationsh­ip Linda Biggs did with her daughter Maria. As an only child, Maria was the centre of her parents’ world. A pretty, conscienti­ous girl, she had a happy home life, was educated privately and had a close circle of friends. When Maria, from North Weald Bassett in Essex, decided to settle down and have a family of her own, her mother was delighted when she decided to set up home with her new husband Darren just ten minutes away from where Linda and Maria’s father, Chris, lived.

She had two beautiful, boisterous boys, Harry and Oliver, born 21 months apart in 2009 and 2011, and from the start Linda and Chris forged a close relationsh­ip with their grandsons.

They saw them every weekday and often at weekends, taking them to the park to play football, helping with their homework and babysittin­g when Maria and Darren wanted to go out for the night.

Harry and Oliver loved staying at Nanna and Poppa’s house — they would bound upstairs to pack their little overnight rucksacks and wait eagerly by the front door.

On February 12, they did just that. It was a Friday night and Maria and Darren were meeting for dinner at the local pub, so Linda collected the boys and dropped off her daughter.

‘She was wearing a black spotted blouse that Chris and I had bought her for Christmas,’ Linda says, stifling a sob. ‘ She looked so lovely. Harry said to her before she left: “Mummy, you look beautiful.” She waved from the pub door, then went in.’

It was the last time Linda — and the boys, then aged six and four — would ever see 35-year-old Maria.

The next morning, after a row about his repeated infidelity, Maria’s husband Darren bludgeoned his wife unconsciou­s in the family kitchen, placed her body on a child’s plastic table and set her clothes alight.

He turned on the gas, hoping to cover his tracks by sparking an explosion, and took the dog for a walk. Ninety minutes later, he returned to find the house still standing, so he moved his wife’s charred body and called 999, saying there had been a cooking accident and he had found her dead.

A post-mortem examinatio­n found traces of white spirit on Maria’s body. Doctors said she was probably still alive when she was set on fire.

Speaking for the first time since Darren was found guilty of murder and arson after a three-week trial and sentenced to life in prison, Linda, 64, is struggling to piece her life back together.

In the living room of the family home, she sobs almost continuous­ly.

‘Maria and I were exceptiona­lly close,’ she says. ‘She told me everything. In those last few months, he [she tries not to say Darren’s name] was controllin­g her verbally and emotionall­y, putting her down. She told me she wished she’d got to know him better before they married.

‘But she swore he’d never hit her. I like to think she would have told me.

‘Then again, no one tells people everything, do they? Every day I ask myself: was there something I should have seen? He had us all fooled.’

Linda can’t stop imagining the fate that might have befallen Harry and Oliver if they hadn’t been staying with their grandparen­ts.

‘Chris and I are convinced that if the children had been there and witnessed any of that, he would have killed them, too,’ she says.

‘If he is capable of doing what he did to my daughter, then I don’t think he would have thought twice about hurting his own sons.’

These are words no mother, no grandmothe­r, should have to utter. But Linda is doing her best to stay strong for Harry and Oliver’s sake.

‘They don’t know what happened and I don’t want them to find out yet,’ she says. ‘They know Mummy is dead and Daddy has gone away, but that’s all.’

She says it feels like yesterday that Maria, then 26, told her parents she had met someone special at work. Darren Byrne, four years her senior, was a broker at Lloyds TSB, where Maria worked on the stockbroke­rs’ support team.

Confident and charming, Darren had started in the City at 16 and worked his way up.

‘We met him not long after they started dating in 2006,’ says Linda. ‘He was her third boyfriend. He came across as self-assured, sometimes overly so, but I put that down to his job. Maria said she felt happy.

‘They certainly seemed good together. They moved into a flat in Sidcup, Kent, where he was from, and then bought a house in Theydon Bois, just ten minutes down the road from us.

‘We thought . . .’ she stops, tears brimming, then composes herself. ‘We thought he was someone who would protect her.’

In September 2007, Darren proposed and the couple married at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshir­e in August 2008.

When Harry and Oliver were born, Maria agreed to give up her job until they reached school age, so Darren could keep working.

‘She was a natural mum,’ says Linda. ‘She was very hands- on, cooking dinner from scratch, always making and doing things. They would dance around the table together, singing silly songs. The boys adored her.’

A photograph of Harry and Oliver in their school uniforms, touslehair­ed and with matching cheeky grins, sits on the mantelpiec­e.

Several more pictures are dotted around the house: the boys in football kit; building sandcastle­s; hand in hand with their mother as they run towards the camera.

‘Harry looks just like Maria,’ Linda says, allowing herself a small smile. ‘Oliver looks more like my husband.’

The boys, she hopes, had no idea that their parents’ relationsh­ip started deteriorat­ing last summer. Until then, she and Chris, 70, had no concerns about Maria’s marriage.

‘We saw a lot of them as we were always round doing odd jobs. We even went on holiday together — we’d rent a place in Spain or a country cottage.

‘I always got on well with Darren — better than Chris did. I think it was because I recognised that he liked having his ego rubbed.’

Then, one day in July 2015, Linda got a phone call from a very distressed Maria, saying she had found flirtatiou­s texts to another woman on Darren’s phone. She had become suspicious after seeing him glued to it when he was supposed to be playing with the boys in the garden.

The texts were to Deborah Houlihan, a married osteopath from London, whom Darren had started seeing after he hurt his back in a cycling accident some months previously. Though he denied everything, the pair had started an affair.

‘Maria was devastated,’ says Linda. ‘She wasn’t a jealous person. She trusted him; he worked long hours and she never questioned him about who he’d been with.’

Several months passed, during which time Darren changed his phone number and pledged to be a better husband.

But it didn’t last. As Linda later found out, almost immediatel­y after being caught he bought a secret mobile phone and continued to meet his mistress.

The couple spent an unhappy Christmas at home with Linda and Chris. On Boxing Day night, Maria came into her parents’ bedroom weeping, saying Darren had told her

‘Confident and charming, he was too self-assured’

he wanted a divorce. Nothing seemed to come of it until one night in January, after they had all been out for a meal to celebrate Linda’s birthday, when Maria found a text to a divorce solicitor on her husband’s phone.

‘She confronted him about it again and he told her to calm down, that he was just trying to get informatio­n,’ says Linda.

‘Our relationsh­ip with him was very strained by that stage. But Maria said she still loved him.’

A week before the murder, Darren lost his job at the London broker R. J. O’Brien. He made several trips to the capital that week, under the guise of looking for work, when, in fact, he was arranging sordid meetups with Ms Houlihan.

That Saturday morning in February, police think Maria caught Darren sending a text or found more evidence of the affair on his phone — and he snapped.

He claimed he had left her in the kitchen of their £900,000 home making a bacon sandwich while he went out for a walk with the family dog, Coco. When he returned, he said, the stove was on and his wife was lying, burned and not breathing, on the floor.

In the 999 call that was played to the jury in court, he can be heard saying: ‘My wife’s dead, she’s dead.’

Linda was watching TV with her grandsons when the police arrived.

‘The policewoma­n took me into the kitchen and said a young woman had been found dead and she believed it was our daughter,’ she says. ‘I ran out of the room and shouted for Chris. I can’t remember much else.’

As family gathered from far and wide to mourn, Darren, who had been released after questionin­g at a nearby police station, came round the next morning and stayed overnight at Linda and Chris’s house.

He kept up the facade of the bereaved husband, telling Linda he would never hurt anyone.

‘It sounds strange, but we didn’t let ourselves even consider that he’d done it,’ says Linda.

‘It was odd. He wasn’t crying or saying how much he’d loved her; he was watching football and eating dinner as normal.’

Harry was awake the following evening when, at about 7pm, police came to the house to arrest his father. After Darren was charged a few days later, a family liaison officer visited to help Linda break the news to her grandsons.

‘We said that something bad had happened to Mummy, that Mummy was dead and Daddy was helping police find out what had happened.

‘Oliver burst into tears. Harry’s bottom lip went, but he didn’t cry.’ Since then, the boys have asked a few times where their father is. Despite Linda’s best efforts to prevent it, he has been allowed several phone calls to them from prison and wrote a letter — sent via his parents — which he wanted Linda to read out, explaining he was working abroad. She ripped it up, declaring it ‘disgusting’.

She has also destroyed all photograph­s of Darren in the house, as well as Maria’s wedding dress, the order of service and pressed flowers from her bouquet.

‘It was cathartic,’ says Linda. ‘I went through every pack of photos and ripped them to shreds.’

She and Chris will one day explain to the boys how their mother died — though preferably not in detail.

Mercifully, it will be 24 years before Darren can apply for parole, and his sons will be old enough to decide for themselves if they want contact with their father.

For now, Linda and Chris are busy adapting to a life somewhat different from the relaxed retirement they had planned. They are the official guardians of two noisy, energetic boys.

This Christmas — their first without Maria — was a difficult one.

‘I couldn’t bear to think about it until the trial was over,’ says Linda. ‘We would have liked to stick our heads under the duvet for three days, but you can’t do that with children.’

As for the future, Linda says she hopes to be around for as long as possible to bring up Maria’s boys as she would have wanted.

‘We will dedicate the rest of our lives to them,’ she says, tears spilling down her cheeks. ‘We will try to bring them up as decent human beings who are not too scarred by what has happened.

‘Their finest legacy is that we see Maria in them every day. She would be so proud of them. And I will always be so proud of her.’

She had found flirtatiou­s texts on his mobile

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 ??  ?? Fatal attraction: Maria, far left, was killed by Darren Byrne, left. Above: Grief-stricken Linda
Fatal attraction: Maria, far left, was killed by Darren Byrne, left. Above: Grief-stricken Linda

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