Daily Mail


Now’s the perfect time to plant these succulent fruits for a harvest next year


WHAT a glorious year we’ve had for blackberri­es. Hedgerows were laden with fruit for weeks and there are still some left. But country folk say the devil spits — or does something worse — on November blackberri­es, though this is a good time for planting.

Wild blackberri­es are gourmet fruit. They freeze beautifull­y and, with apples in a crumble, make the world’s finest dessert.

Cultivated blackberri­es are as different from wild ones as chickens are from swans. They ripen earlier and are larger, more juicy, softer and more acidic. So even if you gather wild blackberri­es, cultivated ones are still worth growing. And along with other briar fruits, they have tremendous culinary value.

Blackberri­es, I’m told, are superfoods. So rather than eating obscure grains or kale so bitter you can hardly swallow it — try growing blackberri­es.

If you have a fence that needs planting up, these briar fruits are a great choice.

In a kitchen garden or allotment, they can be trained along wires stretched between stout posts. They’ll act as gentle windbreaks as well as bearing nourishing fruits.

This is the perfect time to buy and plant all soft fruit. Berry plants are available by mail order, online or at garden centres. Suppliers include Suttons, suttons.co.uk , Thompson & Morgan, thompsonmo­rgan.com and Pomona Fruits, pomonafrui­ts.co.uk, but there are many more.


IN MOST blackberri­es, the fruit comes on stems which developed over the previous summer. So if you plant yours now, the first crop will ripen in 2018.

But exceptiona­l varieties, such as Rueben, are primocane types. Like autumn raspberrie­s, they fruit on the current year’s stems. Two with the Royal Horticultu­ral Society’s Award of Garden Merit are Silvan, which is thorny, and the thornless Loch Ness. Both have good flavour and yield well.

Choosing thornless varieties seems a no-brainer. But though spiny, New Zealand-bred Karaka Black has impressive­ly luscious fruits and rich flavour.

You needn’t limit yourself to blackberri­es. Briar fruits with similar habits include loganberri­es and delicious, thornless tayberries. Both are hybrids with raspberry in their ancestry. They’re as easy to grow as blackberri­es, but have a richer flavour and a wonderful dark red colour when cooked. Loganberri­es make an amazing coulis.


THE best growing system is to train the long stems along horizontal wires. Stretch the wires between stout posts, setting the lowest 90cm above the ground. Then, fix three more strands at 30cm intervals. The top wire will be 1.8m high.

With mature plants, tie the current year’s stems loosely along the top wire as they develop. The previous year’s stems will have been trained along the lower three strands — in late autumn — and will fruit there the following summer.

Each November, remove all stems that have borne fruit. Then, unhitch the young growths from the top wire. Cut any sideshoots back to 5cm and tie those yearling stems to the lower wires. Repeat each year.

A mulch along the row helps to boost yield. Apply that any time between now and March. I also like to give all soft fruit a dressing of bonemeal in late winter.

If you prefer a briar that blends beauty with utility — handy in a small garden — grow Japanese wineberry, Rubus phoenicola­sius. This has emerald leaves, reddish stems and produces clusters of ruby-hued fruits. Eaten raw with a dollop of clotted cream, they’re beyond delicious.

 ??  ?? Superfood: Award-winning Silvan blackberry has thorny stems but lots of tasty fruit
Superfood: Award-winning Silvan blackberry has thorny stems but lots of tasty fruit
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