Daily Mail



Wicked witch es, spooky skeletons, creepy cats… there are so many great Halloween looks out there, though they can seem frightenin­gly hard to do. But fear not. Try some of these tricks...


Prowling the streets like a witch’s cat is �iend ishly easy. Draw a thick b lack line around the edge of your nose, across the tip and d own theother sid e. Colour in this area toward s the nostrils, including the septum , and d raw a line down to the cupid ’s bow of them outh. Outline the lips in black and apply red lipstick. For whiskers, d raw three long, thin lines out from between the nose and mouth towards the side of theface. Finally put lots of little dots ab ove the top lip to look like more whiskers.


Nothing says Halloween like a scary skeleton – and you only need twocolours, b lack and white. T akea panstick or chub b y eye pencil in white, or shop-b ought Halloween m ake-up – Ald id oes a great set for just £3.99 – and go over the whole face (a very pale found ation will work too), leaving two huge eye sockets and the nose uncovered . Fill in those areas with a black eye pencil, leaving a ‘V’ shape in white on the bridge of the nose. Also use the black around the edge of the face and chin to frame the look. Draw jagged b lack lines d own from the hairline, smaller ones up from the chin and twoor threed own the cheeks to simulate cracks. Finally, for a terrifying mouth, draw a straight lineout from each corner towards the bottom of the ear to nearly double the size of them outh. Draw gravestone-shaped teeth all along thet op and bottom lips to the end of theline– keeping them all the same size.


A spider’ s web makes a dramatic Halloween statement. Using a black eye liner–liquid is best– d raw a slightly curved line down and out wards from the inner corner of the eye for a centimetre or two. Do the same– each getting slightly longer – four or �ive tim es until you reach the outside corner of the eye: this lines hould be virtually horizontal. Then, just under the eye, draw a horizontal line linking the others. Curve each section slightly upward s to make it look like a real web . Repeat a centimetre underneath and then again.

 ??  ?? On the prow l: Watch ou t forthis terrify ing little tigress
On the prow l: Watch ou t forthis terrify ing little tigress
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