Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ NO ONE would be surprised to learn that Jeremy Corbyn and Baldrick shared the same gents’ outfitters — but I was amazed to discover that Baldrick is Corbyn’s political consultant.

BRIAN CHRISTLEY, Abergele, Conwy. ÷ HALF the restaurant­s in Rome are infested with cockroache­s and rodent droppings (Mail). Is this part of the Mediterran­ean diet?

HARRY KING, Humberston, Lincs. ÷ MARK CARNEY won’t have to hurry to leave the Bank of England before we leave the European Union. That seems to be taking 100 years. I’d like to speed up both.

HELEN PENNEY, Longboroug­h, Glos. ÷ IF THE Ross Poldark/Elizabeth incident is an example of the 2016 definition of rape, we’d better start building more prisons.

R. J. SEBIRE, Vale, Guernsey. ÷ WAS the decision to build a third runway at Heathrow taken without consulting Bob Geldof and Gary Lineker? If so, they won’t like it.

THOMAS O’TOOLE, Croydon, Surrey. ÷ WHY all of the fuss about Heathrow or Gatwick for a new runway? Build one at both, because another one will be needed in ten years’ time anyway.

RALPH ROWLEY, Shifnal, Shropshire. ÷ INSTEAD of the upheaval a new runway at Heathrow or Gatwick would cause, why can’t they develop new aircraft that need shorter runways?

B. TOMAS, Billingshu­rst, W. Sussex. ÷ IT’S a good thing the Plane Stupid mob weren’t around in Victorian times or we wouldn’t have any railways.

NORMAN GRAHAME, Stanmore, Middx.

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