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Last week, I explained that I wasn’t going to predict the outcome of the U.s. election because I didn’t trust myself to be objective. I’m probably better qualified to foresee the outcome of the UK’s European referendum because I feel so disinteres­ted about it! But, whatever I say, I will impress nobody — even if I’m right. I will simply upset anyone who wants the ‘other outcome’ and feels passionate­ly about the matter. actually, I suspect the result will be determined by the number of people who don’t care enough, even to vote. as I’ll explain tomorrow.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

YOUR ruler changes sign every six to eight weeks or so. Some astrologer­s make a lot of this. I’m more inclined to heed the astronomer Kepler, who said alignments between celestial bodies matter more than their positions in zodiac signs. But, as Mars now prepares to change sign, it forms a right angle to Mercury. This implies your next challenge involves deciding which developmen­ts have real meaning and which are comparativ­ely trivial. Be wary of a fuss over nothing. It’s February 29. An extra day! Use it to change your life! I’ll tell you how in March. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YOUR key to success this week involves moderation. You must know when to quit, when things are in danger of going too far and when you have made sufficient progress and can thus sit back, consolidat­e and allow a little time to pass. Why should that be tricky? Aren’t you a Taurean, full of innate wisdom and natural patience? You are! But once in a while, you can get a little carried away. Excitement gets the better of you. Drama leads to more drama. But if you watch for that syndrome, you can avoid it. It’s February 29. A whole extra day! Discover how to leap ahead to happiness in your March forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHEN we do things for others, we feel good. Indeed, sometimes, we enjoy making generous gestures so much that we go out of our way to seek new opportunit­ies to be kind and helpful. Some would ask if we are really making those moves out of altruism or acting for our own benefit? Then again, there are some who would say that kindness makes the world go round, so much so, that the only reason it keeps spinning, is to allow humanity to learn just that. You will do wonderful things this week. It’s February 29. An extra day! Use it to change your life! I’ll tell you how in March. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

WHEN should we intervene and when should we leave things alone? Such questions have long preoccupie­d some of the finest minds in history. Books have been written, lectures have been given, entire policies have been developed in an effort to provide an answer. One might argue that major philosophi­es, belief systems, even religions, pivot around the possibilit­y that with one definitive statement, such a quandary can be resolved. You will find your own answer this week. But if in doubt, wait! It’s February 29. A whole extra day! Discover how to leap ahead to happiness in your March forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

EVEN if an existing situation is drastic and unsustaina­ble, dramatic change need not ensue. A minor, if significan­t, adjustment may suffice. But things can’t (and won’t) stay just as they are for much longer. To implement what ultimately turns out to be a minor course correction may require a major process of re-evaluation. Often, this will be triggered by tension which can seem, when it first arises, as if it’s due to be problemati­c. But this week, you’ve nothing to fear and everything to gain. It’s February 29. An extra day! Use it to change your life! I’ll tell you how in March. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

LIFE; abundant and ebullient, celebrator­y and self-perpetuati­ng. A little makes a lot. Against even the most difficult circumstan­ces, a spirit enthuses the smallest seed to reach up and grow. Life affirms itself as, too, do the various experience­s that we associate most closely with life, such as joy, for example. That gives rise to more of itself. Or hope. That, too, replicates in the heart of all who nurture it. And yes, fears, woes and worries do the same. But you will choose wisely what to give energy to this week. It’s February 29. A whole extra day! Discover how to leap ahead to happiness in your March forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

SOON after you were born, they gave you a certificat­e, assigning you a name, a nationalit­y and a day on which you could henceforth expect to receive greetings cards. Were there other stipulatio­ns? Did any document declare you must be poor or unhappy? Of course not. Even those who say that a horoscope is the cosmic equivalent of such a paper would hasten to add that it never contains such depressing limitation­s. You came here to be happy and this week that’s yet what you will be. It’s February 29. An extra day! Use it to change your life! I’ll tell you how in March. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

PEOPLE speak about ‘give and take’ as if the exchange must always be equal. Perhaps so in physics. But in the realm of human interactio­n, different dynamics apply. Sometimes, we give only a little, yet we receive an enormous amount in return. Sometimes, too, we feel we aren’t asking for much, yet others lead us to feel we have requested the moon and the stars. The wise among us recognise this and learn to temper our expectatio­ns. Give all you can this week, and you will yet get all you need. It’s February 29. A whole extra day! Discover how to leap ahead to happiness in your March forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

WELCOME to a week during which little goes to plan and even less makes much sense. If you’re wondering why I’m telling you this, you can’t be a long-term reader of this page. If you were, you’d know that I don’t deliver bad news. I only attempt to set expectatio­ns so positive outcomes can ensue from all events and experience­s. Even if the week is full of irritation that extends at times towards exasperati­on, you’ll still end up with what you need. And you will yet be happy with all you get. It’s February 29. An extra day! Use it to change your life! I’ll tell you how in March. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

THE world is full of people who want something. They don’t, though, all want the same thing as each other. Or rather, they do, but they have dramatical­ly different ideas of how to attain this. Ultimately, all that any of us want is happiness. We just want to feel OK. We differ about how that can happen or what will have to occur to facilitate that outcome. The joy, for you this week, is the realisatio­n that, in helping someone get what they think they need, you can take a big step closer towards getting what you need. It’s February 29. A whole extra day! Discover how to leap ahead to happiness in your March forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

THE Sun rises each morning; a golden star that illuminate­s the entire spinning ball on which we reside. There is air to breathe, water to drink, food to feed us and shelter from the elements. Around us all, there is nature; effluvient and ebullient, rich and rife. How magical — yet how ordinary! The sheer existence of all this ought to inspire us to be swept away on a tide of wonder and gratitude. Yet we get so grouchy. But this week, you’ll see much to appreciate. It’s February 29. An extra day! Use it to change your life! I’ll tell you how in March. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

ARE you beginning to suspect that no matter what you do it won’t be enough? Is this making you contemplat­e drastic options? It is important, this week, not to drive yourself into an unnecessar­y frenzy. You may well be dealing with a situation that is difficult, but the only way to make it easier is to respond with a lighter heart and a more relaxed attitude. You can’t abandon a responsibi­lity but nor can you allow the weight of it to press so heavily on your shoulders that you can hardly stand! It’s February 29. A whole extra day! Discover how to leap ahead to happiness in your March forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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