Daily Mail

Judge in gay lover row and a lewd quip about Chuka on Facebook

- By Chris Greenwood Crime Correspond­ent

A JUDGE left embarrasse­d by the online antics of his gay lover has a series of lewd, politicall­y-charged and foul-mouthed comments on his personal Facebook account.

The profile of Jason Dunn-Shaw, 51, was used to make remarks about dogging, strippers and getting ‘ripped to the t**s on tequila’.

The account also posted the comment ‘I’d give him one’ next to a picture of Labour MP Chuka Umunna.

And it supported political causes and petitions, including one to force the BBC to refer to David Cameron as the ‘Rightwing Prime Minister’.

Mr Dunn-Shaw would not confirm whether he had written the messages on the account, which is visible to the public.

Last week the experience­d barrister and part-time judge denied slating online critics after he let a dangerous driver walk free from court.

His log-in was used to attack commenters on a local news site who said the woman should have been jailed. One detractor was branded a ‘donkey’ and another ‘stupid’.

Asked who was responsibl­e, Mr Dunn-Shaw said he shared a log-in with his long-term partner, who was behind the replies. Former actor and model Martin Boyd, 56, shares his home in Margate, Kent.

Social media photos show Mr Boyd was an active member of the Soho scene around legendary drag queen Ruby Venezuela.

Other comments from Mr DunnShaw’s Facebook account include one next to a photo of two dogs, saying: ‘ The doggers are also out now the weather is more clement.’

Another, alongside a joke picture of a girl who finds reading difficult and decides to become a stripper instead, describes this as ‘the early days of most’ female MPs.

In February last year, the account was used to make a comment to Mr Boyd after he announced he was ‘home alone’ for the night.

‘If you want to smash something up there’s muchos firewood,’ it said. ‘There is also an axe but if you are ripped to the t**s on tequila you won’t f****** need one, will you. Psycho b****.’

Mr Dunn-Shaw has presided over several cases as a recorder, or parttime judge, at crown courts in Canterbury and Maidstone.

The Judicial Conduct Authority – which makes sure judges uphold the highest standards of integrity and impartiali­ty – is now likely to scrutinise his social media accounts.

Last night Mr Dunn-Shaw confirmed the Facebook account was his. He added: ‘I make no observatio­ns whatever as to what appears on my Facebook page save to say that no entries have been made in my capacity as a recorder.’

 ??  ?? Remark: Chuka Umunna
Lover: Martin Boyd, pictured left, in 1993
Remark: Chuka Umunna Lover: Martin Boyd, pictured left, in 1993
 ??  ?? Judge: Jason Dunn-Shaw
Judge: Jason Dunn-Shaw

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