Daily Mail

Boris: European court makes fight against terrorism harder

- By Political Correspond­ent

MEMBERSHIP of the European Union makes it harder for Britain to expel murderers and monitor terror suspects, Boris Johnson warns today.

The Mayor of London goes on to criticise the role of the European Court of Justice as he sets out how keeping ties with Brussels is riskier for British security.

He also warns that the euro is a source of ‘tensions’ between EU countries – leading to rioting in Greece, and problems elsewhere.

Mr Johnson accuses the In campaign of mounting ‘Project Fear’ to try to scare the public out of voting to leave the EU and calls for a ‘Project Hope’ instead.

He also says George Osborne ‘rewrite’ the statement at the end of a meeting of finance ministers at the G20 summit in China to warn of the ‘ shock’ of a possible Brexit.

It was, he says, ‘surely the first time any country has used an internatio­nal forum actively to talk up threats to its own economic prospects’. In a column for the Daily Telegraph, Mr Johnson writes: ‘It is the European Court of Justice, with its vast new remit over the charter of fundamenta­l rights, that is making it harder month by month for the security services to get on with their job – whether it be expelling murderers or monitoring terrorist suspects.

‘It is the border-free Europe, obviously, that makes it so much easier for our enemies to move around.

‘As Ronald K Noble, the former head of Interpol, has said, the Schengen area is “like a sign welcoming terrorists to Europe”.’

He added: ‘The single currency is also the cause of tensions between European countries, and rhetoric of a virulence and nastiness we have not seen since the Second World War.’

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