Daily Mail


The equinox isn’t till next week, but people don’t always respond to an astrologic­al influence at the moment it ‘peaks’. Our unconsciou­s reaction to a powerful, global mood can be delayed or anticipate­d. Whenever days and nights are of roughly equal lengt


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 SOME people say that

‘no matter where we go, we end up coming back to where we started’. If that’s so, doesn’t it make every journey pointless? Why don’t we just stay where we were and save all that running around? Actually, we all thrive on change. Variety is the spice of life. Even if we just go somewhere for a while so we can enjoy the pleasure of returning, we learn something valuable when we explore and experiment. Don’t try to measure the merit of every idea this weekend. Just be willing to make a discovery! What does the potent power of the Equinox mean for you? Call your NEW four minute forecast: 0906 751 5601. TAURUS SOME of us are

Apr 21 — May 21 rough and tough. We don’t let anyone push us around. We try to show the rest of the world who is boss before anyone gets so much as a chance to put us in our place. Yet, when we adopt a stance that’s assertive, bordering on aggressive, the universe only ever lets us get so far and no further. Something pulls us up and obliges us to learn a lesson in humility. Admittedly, a policy of being meek and mild doesn’t always get us the results we want, either. But this Equinox weekend, for you,

it’s your best approach. How will this Equinox change your life? I have important news for you. Pick up the phone! 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI WHAT language May 22 — June 22

do the stars speak? They’ve been up there for a long time. Perhaps they’re more fluent in Greek, Sanskrit or ancient Aramaic than in the modern tongues most of us use today. This may explain why they’re seemingly not hearing some of your most pressing requests. Or perhaps comprehens­ion comes more easily than articulati­on. Maybe the cosmos is trying to tell you what will work best, but it is not expressing itself well. Be tolerant and imaginativ­e this weekend. Listen for hints! What does the potent power of the Equinox mean for you? Call your NEW four minute forecast: 0906 751 5603. CANCER ARE you delicate

June 23 — July 23 and ethereal, half of this world and half a mythical being from the realm of dreams and shadows? It’s no use pretending you are too down-to-earth to fit such a descriptio­n. The twinkle that dances in your eyes tells another story. As does the way in which you so often seem to accomplish what others see as all but impossible. Watch, this weekend, for someone who thinks all will be fine as long as you wave a magic wand on their behalf. Perhaps they should be encouraged to grow wings of their own. What does the potent power of the Equinox mean for you? Call your NEW four minute forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24—Aug 23 ONE person says something. Another says something else. Thus, the great seesaw of reaction and response goes up and down. As you may recall from childhood, it is all but impossible to hold a ride like this in stasis. Even if the riders at either end are of similar weight, or creep either towards the middle or the edge to compensate for imbalance, the bar keeps swinging on the pivot. Just be aware that this weekend, you will naturally end up where you want to be if you wait around and let someone else do all the shuffling. How will this Equinox change your life? I have important news for you. Pick up the phone! 0906 751 5605.


Aug 24—Sep 23 LET’S imagine a door is locked. You want to get in (or out) of a room, but the handle won’t turn. Now let’s suppose that a key has been hidden very near. Either you haven’t been told about this, or you have but you’ve forgotten. You may decide to look for other people who can open the door… or contemplat­e fetching a battering ram. But if you’re frustrated about your predicamen­t, you may not stop to look in the few places where the key may actually be. What you’re looking for, this weekend, is easier to find than you fear. What does the potent power of the Equinox mean for you? Call your NEW four minute forecast: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 A SITUATION may be less than perfect, but that doesn’t mean it is due to get any worse. Nor is it a sign that you have displeased the forces of fortune. The greatest harm that can come from a problem is only the harm you may do yourself by taking it too seriously; allowing yourself to feel dishearten­ed then missing out on an opportunit­y. The goddess of luck likes to smile in the face of adversity whenever she can. And when she sees other people doing this, too, she can hardly resist feeling inspired to smile on them. How will this Equinox change your life? I have important news for you. Pick up the phone! 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24—Nov 22 ‘HEAVEN,’ I began yesterday by saying, ‘helps those who help themselves.’ Today is never just the day before wearing a fresh pair of trousers. But I must repeat one point. If we want the kind of help that heaven offers, we should make life a little more pleasant for those around us. Or try, at least, to act as if we were heavenly angels. There are many definition­s of heaven, but one is a feeling that can come to every human heart. Aspire to that, this weekend. Just making such a wish will inspire others to assist you. What does the potent power of the Equinox mean for you? Call your NEW four minute forecast: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 DON’T just believe in what’s possible. Believe in what may not be possible. If something ‘may not be possible’, it may, ipso facto, be possible! Belief alone may make that difference. With what else should we respond to doubt? Despair? Despair is disbelief — and disbelief is a kind of belief! We support it with presumptio­n and prejudice. We perform quick, cursory tests then declare cases closed. That’s how we shut doors. Yet it is also how we can open them. What’s positive, this weekend, may well be possible, if you believe. How will this Equinox change your life? I have important news for you. Pick up the phone! 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22—Jan 20 EVEN a deep, rushing river can be crossed if there are stepping stones. But only if you stride out. Miss your footing, slip into the water, climb back out then decide to retreat to the shore from which you came and those stones will begin to resemble teasing, taunting reminders of thwarted ambition and failed effort. Yet, if you were only to keep trying, you would surely eventually succeed. If experience tells you, this weekend, that something doesn’t work, try a variation on an old theme till you give yourself a new experience. What does the potent power of the Equinox mean for you? Call your NEW four minute forecast: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21—Feb IN prediction­s like this, I often mention how most of us fail to communicat­e with each other as well as we could. We talk, but we don’t pay heed. Yet the same is true of our private inner dialogue. We criticise ourselves. We drive ourselves too hard. We never Jan 21—Feb let ourselves forget the consequenc­es of one simple mistake. A part of you now wants to let bygones be bygones. Can’t an awkward part of the past be forgiven and forgotten? This weekend, you can give yourself that gift! How will this Equinox change your life? I have important news for you. Pick up the phone! 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20—Ma r20 WHAT does the Equinox have to do with you? Does it fall in your sign? Does it involve a celestial body with a traditiona­l associatio­n to Pisces? Perhaps not. Yet, in so far as the Equinox symbolises restorativ­e justice, it has relevance. Are you not engaged in a perpetual quest for fairness? Don’t you yearn to create order from chaos, even if it means embracing ideas or needs that seemingly contradict each other? This weekend, you don’t just raise eyebrows. You raise real new hope in the hearts of many. What does the potent power of the Equinox mean for you? Call your NEW four minute forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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