Daily Mail

Ramsay’s £4m gift to loyal Tana


They say that behind every successful man there is a strong, wise and hard- working woman. But, in the case of fiery chef Gordon Ramsay’s wife Tana, you can add ‘ultra-loyal’ to that heady list of adjectives.

With that in mind, Ramsay appears to have given his wife a multi-millionpou­nd reward for her years of unwavering support — in the face of fairly hefty obstacles — by massively upping her stake in his business.

Newly updated shareholde­r records of Kevalake — the parent company Ramsay uses to run his global empire of restaurant­s — reveal that Tana’s shareholdi­ng in the business has increased from one share to 31,331.

This means Tana’s stake could now be worth as much as £4.1 million, with Ramsay’s amounting to £23 million.

It is certainly an intriguing developmen­t for the publicity prone couple, whose 19-year marriage has suffered more ups and downs than a poorly timed souffle.

In 2008, it was alleged that Ramsay, 48, had been unfaithful to his wife with ‘ profession­al mistress’ Sarah Symonds.

Although Symonds claimed to have conducted a seven-year affair with the chef, Tana, now 41, chose to ignore the allegation­s and stood by him.

More recently, Ramsay was involved in a messy — and highly protracted — legal battle with Tana’s father, Chris hutcheson, who was also his business partner. Ramsay accused hutcheson of siphoning off £ 1.4 million of company money to fund a secret second family and multiple mistresses, and to maintain his high-rolling, philandere­ring lifestyle, which his father-in-law denied.

The saga resulted in Tana becoming estranged from her family after taking her husband’s side in the row.

Five years ago, hutcheson’s wife, Greta, wrote to her daughter: ‘Tana, you are not welcome anywhere near our door. I cannot believe that you have done this to your father. Until you dispose of that man, you are not welcome back.’

 ??  ?? Unwavering: Gordon and wife Tana
Unwavering: Gordon and wife Tana

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