Daily Mail

Ephraim Hardcastle

- E-mail: ephraim.hardcastle@dailymail.co.uk

PICTURES of Princess Beatrice soaking up the sun on Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich’s yacht – her 17th holiday during eight months of unemployme­nt – has royal officials fretting about negative public reactions. They’d like to organise an image-improving ‘Project Beatrice’ but her doting father, the Duke of York, refuses to allow it. A courtier suggested that Andrew might involve her in his own projects. Such as his current visit to Singapore, representi­ng the Queen at celebratio­ns of the 50th anniversar­y of independen­ce. The duke vetoed the idea. APROPOS the Duke of York: the Queen says on the royal website that during his visit to Singapore, her son will also promote ‘the vital partnershi­p between Vietnam and the UK’. Why won’t the Prime Minister re-appoint Andrew as a trade envoy since he’s doing the job off his own bat? He had to relinquish it in 2011 after criticism of links to US sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, a scandal that has faded. NATALIE Dormer, 33, pictured, whose saucy appearance­s on Game Of Thrones and The Tudors are much savoured, disparages the sexism complaints of fuddy-duddy actress Emma Thompson, 56, advising Radio Times: ‘Good old Emma. She never stops, does she? Actors suffer from [sexism] too. Wasn’t there a thing about Aidan Turner in Poldark?’ ACTOR Benedict Cumberbatc­h’s successful performanc­e as Hamlet all but guarantees a knighthood, complement­ing the CBE he received in June. Past recipients of knighthood­s who’ve played Hamlet include Sir Derek Jacobi, Sir John Gielgud, Sir Laurence Olivier and Sir Kenneth Branagh. But no honour as yet (or lesser gong) for ex-Doctor Who David Tennant, who played Hamlet in 2008 at Stratford. Why so? Because ex-Time Lords don’t rate knighthood­s – except for Sir John Hurt, who had a cameo role as the ‘missing’ ninth Doctor Who. THE late Tory premier Sir Edward Heath’s uncommunic­ative nature is discussed in relation to sex allegation­s. Even the Queen found him difficult, says a source: ‘Ted occasional­ly fell asleep during audiences. After this happened once, HM left the room and had her equerry knock loudly on the door to announce her arrival. A drowsy, befuddled Ted sprang to his feet, upending a table full of family photograph­s.’ BROADCASTE­R Gyles Brandreth finds it necessary to Tweet to fans: ‘A woman at Starbucks on George Street [Edinburgh] has just taken out all her teeth and left them on the side-plate while she goes to the loo.’ Later clarifying: ‘She’s not left the teeth unattended. Her grandson is guarding them.’ Is Gyles, 67, losing the plot? CO-STARRING with Myleene Klass in BBQ Champ, presenter Adam Richman is asked by The Jewish Chronicle if they’re dating. He replies: ‘I adore Myleene. She is smart, strong, capable, beautiful – pick any great adjective!’ However, he adds: ‘You know, you don’t dip your pen in the company ink.’ Metaphoric­ally speaking.

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