Daily Mail

Silver lining as a rate rise looms closer

- By James Coney j.coney@dailymail.co.uk

THE Bank of England has made its intentions as clear as it reasonably can — we should all be prepared for the base rate to increase from next year, and it will then rise gradually to about 2.5 pc.

For many homeowners — those in the generation above me — this is nothing. I’m regularly reminded by them of the days in the late Eighties and early Nineties when mortgage rates hit 15 pc. My wallet quivers at the very thought.

It just shows how much the economy has moved on since then — that we should be adjusting ourselves for a world in which we’re contemplat­ing the financial effect of rates rising to half of what they have been in relatively recent history.

But that doesn’t mean that the impact may be any less negligible on people’s finances.

I am one of about 1.8 million homeowners who has never experience­d a base rate rise.

The Bank of England knows that rate rises will come as a shock to people like me, no matter how well prepared we think we are. So you can be assured that increases should be spread out over a period of time.

But the new order will take some adjusting to.

When I first started as a reporter at Money Mail, I used to keep a spreadshee­t of interest rate changes. Every month, when the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee announced its latest decision on what would happen to the Bank base rate, we waited to see how banks and building societies would respond.

Would they pass on the full rate cut to mortgage customers sitting on that particular bank’s standard variable rate? Would savers get the full benefit of a rate rise?

It was like a game for the big names of the day: Halifax, Natwest, Nationwide, Bradford & Bingley, Abbey National, Cheltenham & Gloucester, Bristol & West, Woolwich, Alliance & Leicester, The Britannia . . .

The financial crisis wiped out many of the High Street giants. But one can only hope those that are still here will keep in mind the group which has suffered the most: savers.

They’ve endured, and endured . . . and then endured some more as they’ve been asked to pay for the banking crisis. Once upon a time, you could live off the savings income from a High Street account — not any more.

It’s forced many into gambling their savings on less cautious investment­s in the hope of generating some kind of return from their nest eggs.

This could yet prove a dangerous developmen­t; we’ve not seen the final payouts on many types of retail bonds and lower-risk investment­s that have proved popular. An increase in rates could at least help those who have diligently saved to stop taking such desperate risks with their cash.

Lose the attitude

WHEN the Chancellor cut the tax reliefs for wealthy buy-to-let investors in the Budget, he told the nation it was to make the housing market a more level playing field.

It cut right to the heart of what was becoming a national debate.

But aside from netting the Treasury £1.3 billion, the real impact of the changes are contained in the Budget small print — how there would be no change in house price prediction­s.

Clearly, economists think the appetite for buy-to-let will be undimmed.

That was certainly the case when we visited a get-rich- quick property seminar in London just days after the changes were announced.

Unlike many financial commentato­rs, I’m not a buy-to-let critic — though I do despair at the cynical sales tactics of seminars such as this, which play on greed to encourage irresponsi­ble behaviour. Buy-to-let is not regulated by the City watchdog, and you certainly wouldn’t be able to get away with this if it were.

The tax regime for buy-to-let did need simplifyin­g. The reason land- lords received relief on mortgages is because they were getting the same treatment as other businesses.

The problem is that some landlords aren’t businessme­n, and have properties as a way to invest — and you can’t get an interest free-loan for that.

But it’s not just the tax breaks that make people think buy-to-let is a way to get rich quick — it’s our housing market, too.

For a generation of homeowners, buying a property will be the best thing they have ever done because they’ll have seen the price increase by 768 pc over 35 years.

And those who benefited from this are the same people who have come to distrust pensions.

You’ll never alter the perception of buy-to-let with a few tax tweaks. To change its culture, you’ll need to change the attitude of an entire generation.

Pension fog

HAVE we been mis- sold the promise of the new flat-rate state pension?

We were told it would be uncomplica­ted and transparen­t — but that’s proving an utter fiction. At the time this new scheme was announced, minister after minister made it clear that if you paid into the system for 35 years, you would get a full flat-rate state pension.

That’s just not true. If a bank or insurer had made such a claim, we’d all be shouting mis-selling. Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb was intelligen­t and forward-thinking. But the glow from his time at the Department for Work and Pensions is fading as each day passes.

First, because of his catastroph­ic mis- communicat­ion over who exactly would be entitled to a full payout under the new deal. And second, for failing to do enough to correct the misreprese­ntation even after he had apologised for it.

Now, the new Pensions Minister Ros Altmann is being left to pick up the pieces.

There are 255 days until the new state pension is due to be launched. Every delay is an utterly unreasonab­le inconvenie­nce for those who are planning their retirement­s today.

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