Daily Mail

Sir Cover-Up: We must curb freedom law

- By Jack Doyle Political Correspond­ent j.doyle@dailymail.co.uk

THE most senior civil servant has argued for new restrictio­ns on a law used to expose government waste and incompeten­ce.

Cabinet secretary sir Jeremy heywood claimed the Freedom of Informatio­n act was making officials ‘ less candid’ with ministers in their advice – for fear it would be made public.

Sir Jeremy was nicknamed ‘sir Cover-Up’ for his role in blocking the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War from seeing letters and records of phone calls between tony Blair and george Bush.

Yesterday he argued there were ‘one or two issues’ with the FoI law, which helped expose the MPs’ expenses scandals and dozens of other revelation­s about the activities of the state.

Sir Jeremy also told MPs he had concerns about whether the veto power of ministers to block the publicatio­n of informatio­n worked.

a panel including former ministers and civil servants is to review the act. sir Jeremy said those on the panel were ‘independen­t’.

But Maurice Frankel, director of the Campaign for Freedom of Informatio­n, said: ‘Independen­t normally means open minded. they have come to people who have served in government whose interests are very clearly those of the government.’

the review’s terms of refer- ence include the question of whether the act is a burden on public authoritie­s, raising fears that ministers will make it easier for councils, quangos and government department­s to reject requests.

the commission, chaired by former treasury mandarin Lord Burns, will look at creating more ‘safe space’ within the law to protect the advice given to min- isters by civil servants. sir Jeremy told the Commons Public administra­tion and Constituti­onal affairs Committee that ‘by and large’ the law worked well.

But he added: ‘there have been one or two areas – particular­ly where we are talking about speaking truth unto power in relation to projects, for example, or the risks of certain activities – where the fear that that might then be published within a year or so, I think, probably would lead people to be less candid in writing than they otherwise would.

‘also, there are some questions around the process by which the veto is used. Parliament has intended there to be a perfectly workable veto and that is proving increasing­ly difficult to use in practice.’

the long- delayed Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War has repeatedly refused offers of extra resources to try to speed it up, sir Jeremy told MPs.

the inquiry started in July 2009 but is not expected to report until next year.

Comment – Page 14

‘Making people less candid’

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