Daily Mail


- By Andrew Levy and Rosie Taylor

THE grandparen­ts of a threeyear-old girl have been blocked from adopting her because they are ‘too old’, it emerged last night.

They had been left in charge of the child after her mother – who has a history of mental health problems – was sectioned.

But the youngster, their only grandchild, was taken away from them and handed to foster parents. The adoption will go ahead on July 31 unless they win the right to appeal.

The grandmothe­r, 58, and grandfathe­r, 70, have even been told by social workers to mark the occasion with a ‘party’ and bring a cake – a suggestion they described as ‘insulting’. If the appeal fails the only contact they will have with their granddaugh­ter is two letters

they are allowed to send each year until she is 18. Their daughter will be allowed to see photos of her once a year but cannot keep copies.

Last night the ‘emotionall­y traumatise­d’ grandmothe­r, a shop assistant, said: ‘I don’t feel old at all. I work two days a week. It’s just awful they could take her away from us.

‘It is devastatin­g and so silly. Women have children older and older these days anyway.’

The grandfathe­r, a retired firefighte­r, described his family’s treatment as ‘wicked’ and said he was amazed it could happen ‘in a civilised society’.

Many women older than 58 have become mothers around the world and Britain’s oldest mother, Sue Tollefsen, gave birth to her only child, Freya, in 2008 when she was 57.

The girl at the centre of the adoption wrangle, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was born to the couple’s daughter, who is now in her 30s and is no longer in a relationsh­ip with the girl’s father.

The child’s mother was sectioned in January after self-harming.

One week later, a social worker appeared at the grandparen­ts’ home in Shoeburyne­ss, Essex, demanding they hand the child over.

They did not see her again until March and even then were allowed to see her only once a week. The grandfathe­r said: ‘A social worker came round saying she’d come to pick up her clothes because they were taking her into foster care. We didn’t know what was going on but they’d applied for a court order with a view to adoption.’

The social worker showed them a form which they have since learned the mother had been persuaded to sign from her specialist mental health hospital bed – with no legal representa­tive present – consenting to her daughter being taken into care. At Chelmsford family court on June 17, a judge ruled adoption should go ahead but the grandparen­ts could not be candidates.

They attended court but were unable to argue their case as they could not afford legal representa­tion. Grandparen­ts are not entitled to legal aid in care cases. The assessment claiming they are not suitable to care for the toddler is not available to the public. But the

‘A kick in the teeth’

Daily Mail understand­s it claimed the couple would be incapable of acting as her guardians when she reached adolescenc­e. It initially gave their ages incorrectl­y. The error was corrected but the judge said they were too old as the grandfathe­r would be 82 and the grandmothe­r 70 when the girl turned 15.

The couple said they were also accused of not caring for their own daughter properly, a claim never previously made.

A lawyer who has now taken up their case pro bono yesterday expressed concern that social workers at Southend Council were pursuing adoption targets that generate income. Karina Chetwynd, of John Copland and Son solicitors, said: ‘In my view, adoption is a cash cow. There is a lot of money paid for each adoption and each local authority has targets.’

Miss Chetwynd is hoping to be granted the right to appeal by arguing that the grandparen­ts’ human rights were breached and they are entitled to a fair hearing and to a family life.

Anne Jones, the Southend councillor responsibl­e for child welfare, said: ‘Age is not the deciding factor in our assessment­s. We have a duty to ensure the safety and well-being of the children. Though placing children in the care of relatives is our preference in all cases, we can only do so when this is consistent with the welfare of a child.’

The grandfathe­r said: ‘We would be 100 per cent capable of caring for her and we would be over the moon to have her.

‘But we have been kicked in the teeth by social workers. It is shocking they have that much power to take a family apart.’

 ??  ?? Cuddles: The girl with her grandmothe­r. Faces have been pixelated for legal reasons
Cuddles: The girl with her grandmothe­r. Faces have been pixelated for legal reasons
 ??  ?? Close: The girl, 3, with her grandfathe­r in a pirate hat
Close: The girl, 3, with her grandfathe­r in a pirate hat

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