Daily Mail

Should disabled toilets be available to all?


WHEN someone says they’ve never seen a disabled person use a disabled toilet (Letters), I wonder how they define ‘disabled’. Do you have to be in a wheelchair, one-legged or on crutches? No. I’m classed as disabled and need to use the disabled toilets, but you cannot see my disability: I’ve had bowel cancer and need to use disabled toilets to attend to my stoma bag. I’ve been verbally abused many times for entering a disabled toilet — and it’s not nice. Some able-bodied people need to change their attitude towards people who have to use these toilets.

LEN FAULKNER, London SE9. wHEN someone uses a disabled loo, they don’t always have obvious signs of a disability. a former colleague had undergone bowel surgery and was fitted with a colostomy bag. she needed to use a disabled loo, so that she could have the necessary washing facilities in the cubicle. Despite this, I see no reason why others shouldn’t be allowed to use the disabled cubicle if there’s a queue for the normal one and the disabled one isn’t in use.

Mrs ANN ROBB, Ivybridge, Devon. ABLE-BODIED people who use the disabled loos (Letters) are adopting a ‘me first, I’m more important than you’ attitude. I, with thousands of other people in this country, suffer from ulcerative colitis, a condition which leaves us having to find a vacant loo as soon as possible. This is of no concern to those people who think only of themselves. Heaven help any ablebodied person I find in the process of using one of these loos. I’ll just throw them out, whatever state of undress they’re in.

Name and address supplied. I HavE to use a wheelchair due to having Ms. One symptom of Ms is an urgent need to use the lavatory. To sit uncomforta­bly in my wheelchair outside a locked disabled loo and seeing a perfectly able-bodied person leave makes my blood boil. The able-bodied should try being confined to a wheelchair for a week and see how they get on. CHRISTOPHE­R SALTER, Chelmsford, Essex.

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