Daily Mail

Savers hit by political uncertaint­y

Henderson boss Andrew Formica frets over UK election – and Greece

- By Ruth Sunderland

SHARE markets have so far shrugged off worries about the UK election, with the FTSE 100 index hitting record highs of more than 7,000 in recent days. But Andrew Formica, the chief executive of fund manager Henderson, is in no doubt that political uncertaint­y is having an effect on small investors.

‘We have seen slower inflows into funds in the UK market from retail savers, and I believe that is due to the election,’ he says.

‘Markets don’t like uncertaint­y. We saw that in the Scottish referendum, which is tiny in comparison.’

‘It is also having an impact on the companies we talk to,’ he adds, citing energy – where Labour leader Ed Miliband has threatened a cap on prices for domestic customers – as one of the industries where worries over the election is taking a toll.

There could be a risk to the UK’s credit rating – still ranked at Triple A by leading agency Standard and Poor’s – if Labour came to power, he fears. ‘If there were any changes to the current austerity measures or to corporate taxes, for example, then there is of course a risk that the UK’s credit standing could be altered,’ he says.

He qualifies this by adding that having returned to economic stability and growth after the financial crisis, ‘the UK is in a much stronger position than many of its European peers’.

The rating agencies have also warned that the country’s ranking would be in jeopardy if Britain leaves the European Union. As with many business leaders, Formica is unenthusia­stic about the Conservati­ves’ pledge to hold a referendum on a Brexit. ‘Ideally we would prefer not to have one – either a referendum or a Brexit,’ he says. ‘Our industry is well served by being part of Europe. If the Conservati­ves have a majority we would urge them to have the referendum as soon as possible to remove the uncertaint­y as soon as we can.

‘I have grave concerns on some of the EU legislatio­n, and I do favour Cameron’s view of looking to reform some aspects of the relationsh­ip. But some of the aspects he is looking to reform, such as the free movement of labour, I think is wrong. A restrictio­n of labour would be very difficult to achieve and frankly I don’t think it is right. This country has been built on immigratio­n. It is a magnet for talented people.’

AUSTRALIAN-born Formica has himself been pulled by the magnetism of London – albeit if he is an immigrant then he is a rather exalted one who is unlikely to trouble the welfare state.

Warming to his theme, he says: ‘We need a very strong trade bloc with our nearest neighbours. We won’t always agree with everything Europe does and it won’t always have our interests at heart, but by and large we are better off in than out.’

In all his enthusiasm for Europe, isn’t he forgetting that the single currency zone is an economic basket case? Is he not worried that the region is held up purely by billions of euros of quantitati­ve easing money printing by the European Central Bank? And what about a Greek exit that could rock markets around the world?

‘Clearly QE is boosting sentiment towards the eurozone. My fear about that is that many of the structural reforms may be delayed, deferred or even stopped. The eurozone does need to get competitiv­e on a global scale,’ he admits.

‘As for Greece, it is clear it entered the single currency on data that was inaccurate. If Greece can’t work within the parameters of the eurozone, we should not be afraid to find an orderly way for them to move out. It is a relatively small country of 5m that is having a disproport­ionate impact.

‘It is inevitable at some point, maybe a generation or two, that some countries will want to leave the euro. There need to be mechanisms to do that. It may be difficult but could in the end be a blessing.’

Formica believes share markets are likely to stay buoyant for the short term, over the next 12 months or so, because there is so much money sloshing around the system. In the long term, however, there are questions about how QE will be unwound. ‘I think it will be hard to achieve an orderly exit, but we are about 12 months away from that,’ he says.

Founded in 1934, when the world was emerging from the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression, Henderson has survived through many a crisis. The company was originally set up to look after the estate of Alexander Henderson, a stockbroke­r and MP who was involved in financing railway projects, including the Great Northern Railway in the UK. It became a public company in 1983 and forged an Australian connection when it was acquired by Australian Mutual Provident in 1998, demerging again five years later. Its current market value is £3.2bn and the share price has risen more than 320pc since Formica was appointed in November 2008.

Retail investors account for £46bn of its total assets under management of nearly £90bn – and the group claims more than four out of five of its funds have outperform­ed their benchmarks over three years.

Henderson has bulked up through two big recent takeovers, of New Star in 2009 and of Gartmore two years later.

Last year was the best ever for new business growth and this year, Formica says, started even stronger. Despite this he took a 24pc cut in his pay, to £3.7m in 2014, after a big drop in the amount paid out by his 2012 incentive plan compared with the previous year.

PERHAPS because of this he has little truck with criticism from the Institute of Directors that fund management groups are paying their top executives too much.

The IoD warns that this leaves asset managers open to accusation­s of hypocrisy when trying to rein in rewards at the companies in which they invest.

Trade lobby the Investment Associatio­n also wants more transparen­cy on the subject of fund manager pay and how it is linked to returns to savers. Although the chief executives’ packages are revealed in the report and accounts, many individual­s are not obliged to disclose what they take home as they are not board members of listed companies.

The best paid boss in the sector worldwide, Larry Fink of US giant Blackrock, made $25m, while M&G’s Richard Woolnough made £15m here in the UK, but Formica insists: ‘I don’t feel the IoD criticisms are valid. ‘

‘When you see some star fund managers move, you see how much value moves with them. It is really important that whatever pay structures you have are absolutely aligned to the client. In our case, the fund manager pay moves up and down on a three-year and one-year view. If you are first quartile, you are going to get a lot more than if you are third quartile. Last year compensati­on was higher than we would normally pay, but 83pc of our funds exceeded their benchmarks.’

Aged just 44, Formica has already been in the job for seven years – so is he looking for the next big thing? He claims he is in no hurry. ‘When you look at the best-performing asset managers, their chief executives have been there a long time, like Martin Gilbert at Aberdeen and Michael McLintock at the Pru,’ he says. ‘What it comes down to is that people are trusting you with their money and their long- term security.’

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