Daily Mail



HI JONATHAN, They say the wheel is the greatest invention ever, but doesn’t everything in the universe move in a circular motion? aren’t all stars, planets, even galaxies, round? and I’ve been thinking, Jonathan, aren’t all those Grand Crosses and ‘squares’ simply made in our own imaginatio­ns by connecting lines in the only way we know? Sunil Dear Sunil, arguably, we each create our own understand­ing of reality by ‘connecting lines’ in the only way we know. I do like your suggestion that the cosmos, by its very nature, dropped us a nice big hint about the wheel.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 WHEN things are

changing, shouldn’t we do our best to let them change? Shouldn’t we co-operate with the forces that seem most determined to shape the future? Shouldn’t we give them the benefit of the doubt and look for the blessings they may be able to confer upon us? And as for those who see no good in such a process? Well, how can it be fair to support their criticisms, unless we have first made an attempt to believe in the bright side? Till something is proven wrong this week, treat it as right. I have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 WHILE writers and artists prefer to be spontaneou­s and surprising, commercial considerat­ions tend to reward those who produce what their audiences expect. If you settled down with a good detective novel, only to discover that it contained a romance and hardly a shred of whodunit, you might feel cheated. Yet when we settle down to write the stories of our own lives, we must take care not to typecast ourselves too quickly. Give your tale a chance to unfold in a surprising way this week. You will like the outcome. A tremendous personal boost is coming your way. I’ve much to tell you in your NEW week ahead forecast. To hear it, call 0906 751 5602

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 I’LL never forget when a close friend found themselves living through a difficult, emotional drama. It affected their self-esteem and thus compromise­d their decision-making. I caught them one day looking at a colour chart, trying to decide whether one particular shade of light yellow went with another shade of pale cream. Clearly, the fear of a potential clash had begun to permeate every aspect of their existence. What is worrying you this week? The issues and risks at stake are far less than you fear. I have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER June 23 — July 23 I WAS once asked to write a book that explained the best way to ask the universe for help. I tried to point out that the universe doesn’t care how it is asked or when. It cares only that once it has been asked, it is given a fair chance to come through with the goods. When we mistrust the universe, when we try to push, nag, rush or reengineer a set of circumstan­ces so that they meet our needs, we risk preventing the cosmos from executing a much more delicate, graceful Sep 24 — Oct fulfilment 23 WHY do it all over again if you did it well enough the first time? Unless you enjoyed the experience so much that you of yearn to repeat it. But then, our we could argue that the big theme in your life is request. repetition. Would you like a process to stop or change? Or do you secretly want to continue with more of the Have same? All possibilit­ies can become realities. You have just got faith to be aware, this week, of the most obvious path a course of this events will tend to follow — and then decide whether week. you want to commit or divert. I have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5607.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

IMAGINE being so popular

that other people find their judgment is clouded when they stop to think about you. They can’t even imagine you doing something bad. It grates against their own desire to hold you in the highest regard. Or imagine being so attractive that you cause heads to turn and knees to knock. The moment they see you, folk forget what they were doing or who they were supposed to have an exclusive commitment to. Hmmm, perhaps you don’t have to imagine that. This week, you may find out. I have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO Aug 24 - Sept 23 IF YOU don’t like the answers you seem to be getting, try asking different questions. If you don’t like the conversati­ons you are holding, try talking to other people. If you are not pleased with the hand you have been dealt, see if you can somehow swap it or negotiate for some other set of opportunit­ies. Regardless of how stressful life has been of late or of how many restrictio­ns you have been uncomforta­bly aware of, relax. Whatever else there may be in your world, there is fluidity and flexibilit­y this week. A tremendous personal boost is coming your way. I’ve much to tell you in your NEW week ahead forecast. To hear it, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 WHY do it all over again if you did it well enough the first time? Unless you enjoyed the experience so much that you yearn to repeat it. But then, we could argue that the big theme in your life is repetition. Would you like a process to stop or change? Or do you secretly want to continue with more of the same? All possibilit­ies can become realities. You have just got to be aware, this week, of the most obvious path a course of events will tend to follow — and then decide whether you want to commit or divert. I have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO

Oct 24 — Nov 22 GREAT experts and intellectu­als pride themselves on their ability to distinguis­h the significan­t from the trivial. They know what matters and what doesn’t. Or so they think. Truly wise people make no such assumption. They insist that the line between importance and irrelevanc­e is one that can never be accurately drawn. None of us will ever really know what counts — or doesn’t count — and why. Do you want to be wise this week? Or just to be clever? Be sensitive. Pay more attention to your heart than to your intellect. A tremendous personal boost is coming your way. I’ve much to tell you in your NEW week ahead forecast. To hear it, call 0906 751 5608

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 SOME people

think that to win any argument they just have to shout loudly. Or keep repeating what they believe to be true and refuse to listen to any other point of view. But it is much more important to hear every side to every story. Why win arguments when you can win hearts? Someone or something seems determined to argue with you. So let them. It takes two to create a conflict. Rise above this week’s trouble. Be wise, be kind and be clear... and you will yet gain great benefit. I have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20 MANY of the world’s greatest books, songs and paintings are believed to contain hidden messages, real or imaginary, buried in their apparent complexity or simplicity. It is possible to read almost anything into any statement. There is profundity in the trivial and triviality in the... zzzz. Wake me up when I get to the end of this forecast; it is beginning to bore me. Actually, on second thoughts, let us both wake up right now. You are trying too hard this week to understand something simple. A tremendous personal boost is coming your way. I’ve much to tell you in your NEW week ahead forecast. To hear it, call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19 THIS ought, in theory, to be a good week. It should bring you adventure, success and a sense of great power and strength. The question is: how will the theory turn out in practice? Will you take advantage of your astrologic­al opportunit­y or will you let it pass you by? Of course, now that you have read your forecast, there can only be one answer. You are going to remain alert and be aware that good things are on the horizon and when you see them, you are going to grab them. Aren’t you? I have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5611.


Feb 20 — Mar 20 THE more you talk, the less you will say. The more you think, the less you will understand. The more you struggle, the less you will achieve. The more you worry, the less you will enjoy life. We are not obliged to communicat­e with one another. We do not have to stretch our intellect to maximum capacity. There is no law that says we must keep on making things happen or that our lives mean less if we don’t. But if you choose, this week, to appreciate what is good and be less over-respectful of a problem, all will be well. A tremendous personal boost is coming your way. I’ve much to tell you in your NEW week ahead forecast. To hear it, call 0906 751 5612.

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