Daily Mail

Sorry Charlotte, but your date’s a disaster


THIS is clearly meant to be a calling card for its first-time director, Barnaby Southcombe, so perhaps it shouldn’t be judged too harshly. There are signs of promise in the stylishnes­s of the shooting and in his sympatheti­c direction of the actors. Southcombe has the good sense to employ his highly talented mother, Charlotte Rampling, to play his antiheroin­e, a woman in late middle-age with a haunted expression who goes speed-dating to find a man and runs into first a belligeren­t date from hell (Ralph Brown) and then a sad-eyed chief detective (Gabriel Byrne) who slowly — much too slowly — starts to believe she may be a murderer. Though the action supposedly takes place in modern London, it all too obviously occurs in an alternativ­e reality on Planet Art-House. Byrne never does anything that’s remotely credible as a police inspector investigat­ing a gruesome killing. It’s left to his second-in-command (Eddie Marsan) to do the legwork, and it’s small wonder that he gets frustrated with his boss. The very belated twist comes across as insufficie­ntly inventive, and a cheat rather than a revelation. The pace throughout is too leisurely for a film with thriller elements, and — through no fault of her own — Rampling has to remain opaque and unfathomab­le until our patience is stretched way, way beyond breaking point. To have worked, this story needed a super-profession­al story-telling genius such as Alfred Hitchcock. Instead, it gets an arty novice who apparently wants to be the new Andrei Tarkovsky.

 ??  ?? Date night: Charlotte Rampling
Date night: Charlotte Rampling

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