Daily Mail

Stem cell jab could shrink the wrinkles

- By Tamara Cohen Science Reporter

SCIENTISTS are working on a new weapon in the war against wrinkles – injecting the patient’s own stem cells to restore the skin’s elasticity.

A British firm is trialling the method, which it believes will encourage the growth of new skin cells, called fibroblast­s, which make collagen.

Collagen, which gives skin its elasticity, is produced in large quantities when we are young, but the amount declines as we age.

Glasgow-based firm Pharmacell­s plans to begin clinical trials in a year and believes the procedure could be commercial­ly available in just three years. By using the body’s own cells, it is billed as a more ‘natural’ approach than Botox.

The type of cell to be used is called a blastomere-like stem cell and can develop into many other types of cell in the human body, such as a liver, brain or skin.

It is available in very large quantities from one blood sample and scientists hope to inject 500millon of the cells in the skin in one jab.

Pharmacell­s is also investigat­ing their uses against heart attacks, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer, as well as acne scars and stretch marks.

Athol Haas, Pharmacell­s’ chief executive, said: ‘It will be longlastin­g – at least five years.’

There are ‘stem cell facelifts’ already on the market which involve taking a fat sample from a patient and injecting it into their face.

But Mr Haas said these stem cells are far lower in quality.

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