Daily Mail


Or how lusty British ducks are being culled at a cost of £2,000 each to please the Spanish

- By Stephen Moss

YOU CAN’T fault the male ruddy duck for effort. As soon as spring has sprung, he devotes his days to wooing the female of the species, trying to persuade her that he should be the one to father her ruddy ducklings. Ruddy duck courtship must be seen to be believed. First the male — a handsome bird with deep chestnut plumage and snow-white cheeks — raises his tail at right angles to his body. Then he rapidly bashes his bright blue bill up and down against his puffed-out chest, making a sound rather like a hyperactiv­e frog.

Meanwhile, the female does what all girls do when they know they are being courted — she completely ignores him. Of course, this only encourages him to be even more frantic in his efforts to win her over.

No wonder birdwatche­rs love the ruddy duck. But although these little birds may be cute, they are now in big trouble. Only an estimated 100 ruddy ducks remain at large in the UK, following a Government-led cull that has so far cost £5 million, and led to the slaughter of more than 6,000 birds.

Now, news that the Government is planning to spend a further £200,000 to finish the job has caused a rift in the conservati­on world.

In one camp are the animal rights brigade and a group of birdwatche­rs keen to save these cheeky little creatures. In the other, an alliance between Defra (the Department for Environmen­t, Farming and Rural Affairs) and conservati­on groups led by the RSPB.

The former believe that the cull is cruel and unnecessar­y; the latter are convinced it is absolutely vital if we are to save the ruddy duck’s much rarer relative, the white-headed duck.

As with many things in the natural world, it all comes down to sex. According to the RSPB and Defra, British ruddy ducks have been jetting off to Spain for a spot of shenanigan­s with the local white-headed ducks.

As a result, the Spanish white-headed duck population has been swamped with hybrid offspring of the two species. If nothing is done, the conservati­onists believe, the white-headed duck will vanish from Western Europe.

There is no doubt that the white-headed duck is in danger. There are thought to be only 10,000 of these fowl worldwide, making them one of Europe’s most globally endangered birds. The species is already threatened with extinction by the loss of its wetland habitats through drainage, and from hunting and egg-collecting.

In 1999, at the behest of the Spanish, Britain embarked on the programme of culls. Now only 100 — some think closer to 200 — ruddy ducks remain.

BUT WERE we right to embark on such an aggressive exterminat­ion process in the first place? Opponents of the cull claim that there is no evidence that Britain’s ruddies are to blame for the Spanish hybrids. They point the finger at culprits elsewhere in Europe.

The duck’s defenders also suggest that if the male white-headed ducks are such wimps that they allow their females to be won over by the ruddies, then so be it — that’s nature, and we have no right to intervene.

The problem with shifting the blame to our continenta­l neighbours is that we are the ones to blame for the ruddy ducks being here in the first place. The species’ native home is North America, but during the Forties seven birds were brought to Britain to be bred in captivity.

Ironically, the man who did so was none other than the father of modern conservati­on, Sir Peter Scott.

He put the ducks into pens at the Wildfowl Trust’s headquarte­rs at Slimbridge in Gloucester­shire. But a few years later they managed to escape, and began to breed in the wild here in 1960.

At first, they seemed like a harmless, if exotic, addition to Britain’s birdlife. But soon, like U.S. GIS during World War II, they gained a reputation for being ‘over-sexed and over here’.

The male ruddy duck’s ability to reproduce is no doubt helped by the fact that his penis is almost 10in long, more than half the length of his body.

Just like those other North American invaders, the Canada goose and grey squirrel, ruddy ducks also benefited from a lack of rivals and predators on this side of the Atlantic. By the time I began birdwatchi­ng in the Seventies, they were well and truly booming in Britain.

Their stronghold­s were the gravel pits and reservoirs of the West Midlands, where they became so popular — despite their alien origins — that they were adopted as the symbol of the region’s bird club.

By the turn of the millennium, the UK ruddy duck population had grown to around 7,000 birds. It was then the trouble began, following complaints by the Spanish government, and the controvers­ial cull was put into action.

But culling isn’t as easy as it might appear. Ruddy ducks are very secretive — especially when they are being shot at — and often hide away in dense vegetation. They also live alongside various kinds of native duck, on ponds and lakes in populated areas.

So to carry out the cull, Defra employed trained marksmen who could target the birds without harming other wildlife or people. Even so, a figure of about £900 to kill each ruddy duck does seem excessive, especially at a time when government spending is being squeezed.

It also raises a crucial question: what do we do about other non-native species? Ring-necked parakeets are now a common sight in the London suburbs, where these exotic green birds regularly come to garden bird feeders.

Rumours abound as to how these colourful menaces got here in the first place. Some say they escaped from the set of The African Queen when it was being filmed at Shepperton Studios in Middlesex in 1951; others that Jimi Hendrix kept two parakeets called Adam and Eve which he accidental­ly set free while stoned.

A more plausible explanatio­n is that they simply escaped from an exotic pet shop. There is some concern that these hole-nesting birds kick out native species such as the jackdaw and stock dove — so should they be culled, too?

And what about those noisy flocks of Canada geese terrorisin­g the smaller birds on park ponds and covering the grass with slimy green droppings?

And surely if we are going to wipe out a few ducks, we should target the ‘North American tree rat’ — otherwise known as the grey squirrel?

First brought here during Queen Victoria’s reign, in little over a century the grey invaders have helped wipe out our native red squirrel from much of Britain. This is because they carry a disease, squirrel pox, which is harmless to them but lethal to the reds.

Yet grey squirrels have their supporters, too. Many children love watching their acrobatic antics, and these may be the only wild mammals they ever get to see. Do we really want to deprive them of this important childhood experience, which may lead to a lifelong passion for wildlife?

PROPONENTS of culling point out that it has worked before, albeit on a much smaller scale. Back in the Seventies and Eighties another North American invader, the coypu, was successful­ly cleared from its stronghold in East Anglia.

During a decade no fewer than 35,000 of these huge rodents were trapped and killed, and the coypu has not been seen here in the wild since 1986.

But as with all culls, the lower the numbers fall, the harder it is to track down those last few individual­s. Hence the rise in cost to a whopping £2,000 per ruddy duck for those final 100 birds.

For the Spaniards at least, the news is good. In Spain, the white-headed ducks have begun to bounce back, and the population is on the rise.

The bad news is that ruddy ducks are still at large on mainland Europe, in parts of France and the Netherland­s, and like many northern Europeans they may soon decide they fancy a spot of sex down in sunny Spain.

If they do, then £5 million of taxpayers’ hard- earned money spent on culling the British ruddy ducks may turn out to have been in vain.

 ?? Picture: ALAMY ??
Picture: ALAMY

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