Daily Mail



I RARELY attend protests or support political movements. My profession­al duties require me to remain objective. You simply can’t be neutral if you’ve got a passionate belief that something is right or wrong. But last week was Tibetan New Year, and several Tibetan friends invited me to join them at a demonstrat­ion outside the Chinese Embassy in London. I can’t help but feel some sympathy for this cause — no matter how hard I try to stand back — so I went along. It actually turned out to be a surprising­ly intense experience. Tomorrow I’ll tell you more about what happened.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 VENUS remains in your

sign. You ought now to be a living example of the law of attraction. Are your wishes being granted? Are your needs being met? If not, it may be because you are wishing for something you don’t need — or that what you need is something you wish you didn’t need! As you address those issues, be aware you are coming into contact with your true talent. You have a hidden gift you sometimes overlook. It is time for you to recognise and make more of this. Jonathan just recorded your brand-new, inspiratio­nal, life-changing, heart-lifting, worry-beating, four-minute forecast. Don’t miss it! Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS EVERY adult has a

Apr 21 — May 21 duty to help a developing child tell the difference between right and wrong. It is also, though, incumbent on us all to recognise the difference between a false distinctio­n and a genuine division. Some things are not as right as they may seem. Others are not as wrong as they appear. Shades of grey are not just for the wishy-washy and the indecisive. They are for the subtle, the sensitive, the intelligen­t and the wise. Look a little more carefully at

what you think you can see this week. Your new, week-ahead forecast is ready. Are you feeling in need of support? Looking for advice? Let Jonathan help. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI HOW do you turn May 22 — June 22 tap water into spring water? Well, presumably, you can go to your nearest hardware store and purchase a little packet of springs. Cover them in water and then pour that water into a bottle. Hey presto! How can anyone possibly argue with the descriptio­n of ‘spring water’? This may or may not hold water legally. It certainly doesn’t make sense from a moral standpoint. You are being fobbed off with a propositio­n that sounds reasonable, but are you sure all is as it seems? Your new four-minute forecast is ready. If you are worrying about your future in these difficult times, call Jonathan on 0906 751 5603. CANCER WE ALL know the

June 23 — July 23 theory: good deeds are rewarded; bad ones are punished. If only the reality were so straightfo­rward. More often than not, it seems some get away with blue murder while others are hounded for crimes they have not committed. On top of that, there is the bothersome matter of how we can ever tell right from wrong. Only the deeply religious or the profoundly ignorant ever manage that with any degree of ease. That said, it really does look now

as if you are doing the right thing. Your new, week-ahead, four-minute forecast is ready. If problems are getting on top of you, Jonathan can help. Call him now on 0906 751 5604.

LEO MANY people are like July 24 — Aug 23 walking encyclopae­dias. They can talk on almost any topic. They can recite places and names, facts, figures, dates and details. Yet their insight is surprising­ly low. The ‘hows’ and ‘whens’ they can easily grasp. It’s just the ‘whys’ that elude them. You are gaining access to a lot of valuable informatio­n. It is important to use it wisely. That means thinking carefully and sensitivel­y and asking deep questions before you jump to too many conclusion­s this week. Jonathan just recorded your brand-new, inspiratio­nal, life-changing, heart-lifting, worry-beating, four-minute forecast. Don’t miss it! Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO THERE are many

Aug 24 — Sep 23 things you can be proud of. You have made some great decisions in the past. You have reached some wise conclusion­s and you have acted on these efficientl­y. You are not so sure, though, that when you look back on your most recent set of choices, you will feel so inclined to congratula­te yourself. Is this because you have made some dreadful error — or is it because you are suffering from misplaced modesty syndrome? From here, it looks as if the latter is the more appropriat­e diagnosis. Your new, week-ahead forecast is ready. Are you feeling in need of support? Looking for advice? Let Jonathan help. Call 0906 751 5606.


IMAGINE a restaurant Sep 24 — Oct 23

running the ultimate offer — ‘Eat here once and you will never be hungry again.’ It sounds great. Think of all the time and money we spend eating. But even if you could eradicate all appetite for ever without wasting away, what kind of life would you have? There would be a lot less faff, but also a lot less pleasure. In a strange way, you now have the option of a one-off solution to a difficulty. But you don’t want something to end; you just want it under control. Your new, four-minute forecast is ready. If you are worrying about your future in these difficult times, call Jonathan on 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO WHATEVER you do,

Oct 24 — Nov 22 you’ll encounter those who think you should have done something different. Whatever you say, someone will think you should have said something else. Others are entitled to opinions. They can feel free to criticise you. You cannot, though, subject yourself to such treatment unless you are undertakin­g a conscious programme of refinement as you attempt to develop a skill. The Sun’s harmonious link to Pluto suggests you have every reason to feel proud of who you are and what you are doing. Your new, week-ahead, four-minute forecast is ready. If problems are getting on top of you, Jonathan can help. Call him now on 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S THE heat Nov 23 — Dec 21

is on — but then, the heat has been on for some while. You have to find a way to withstand this heat, for you cannot lower the temperatur­e. You can just about handle all that you face as long as you don’t start wondering whether you really ought to be facing it. It is doubt that turns a tolerable level of intensity into an unbearable pressure. So, have no doubt — and no fear. Just have faith. The heat is turning something tough into something pliable. Jonathan just recorded your brand-new, inspiratio­nal, life-changing, heart-lifting, worry-beating, four-minute forecast. Don’t miss it! Call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN THE Grand

Dec 22 — Jan 20 Canyon? The black hole at the centre of our galaxy? These are but small divisions. Mere eyelets in the fabric of reality. If there truly is a yawning chasm, it must surely be the gulf between what we think we are supposed to be doing and what we are actually doing. Reconcile these two things if you dare! Not possible. Never has been. That, though, doesn’t stop us trying. Worse, it doesn’t stop us beating ourselves up when we spot the difference. For you, this week, that gap is not as big as you fear! Your new, week-ahead forecast is ready. Are you feeling in need of support? Looking for advice? Let Jonathan help. Call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19 point in going all the way to one place, just to turn around and go all the way to somewhere else? Unless you are making deliveries. Or, perhaps, collecting things. We must be very careful before we let ourselves conclude a venture or an expedition has been a waste of time. If we have acquired but one small piece of informatio­n or gained a single significan­t experience, it may have been worthwhile. Don’t focus too hard this week on the destinatio­n. Try to enjoy the journey. Your new, four-minute forecast is ready. If you are worrying about your future in these difficult times, call Jonathan on 0906 751 5611.

PISCES CAN you smell the

Feb 20 — Mar 20 incense? Can you hear sitars? Are you peering through a mysterious haze? Are you starting to see things that are not really there? Neptune, Mercury and the Sun, are all now in your sign. That’s a fairly strong suggestion you could be entering such a state. But you may not know it, because life’s most powerful illusions tend to seem extremely real. That’s a little worrying. You may be completely convinced, now, of something that really deserves a lot of scepticism. Seek a second opinion. Your new, week-ahead, four-minute forecast is ready. If problems are getting on top of you, Jonathan can help. Call him now on 0906 751 5612.

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