Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



An omelette is so simple. From

just a few ingredient­s of eggs, potatoes and onions, you’ll have

a Boxing Day family feast. Serves 12

● Vegetable oil, for greasing and deep-frying

● 6 large potatoes (about 1.5kg/

3lb 5oz), peeled

● 20 medium eggs (or just use 10, leaving out the fried egg topping)

● Salt and ground white pepper

● 1 large onion, finely sliced

● Extra-virgin olive oil, for frying

● 50g (1¾oz) clarified butter

● 50g (1¾oz) black truffle from a jar (available online), drained and thinly sliced, to serve (optional)

Cut the potatoes lengthways into quarters. Cut each quarter crossways into small pieces, about 5mm (¼in) thick. Place in a bowl of cold water to remove the starch. Pat dry with kitchen paper. Deep-fry in vegetable oil for 10 minutes, until slightly coloured and cooked through.

Crack 10 eggs into a bowl, season them generously with salt and white pepper and whisk. Drain the potatoes and, while they’re still hot, add to the beaten eggs. Fry the sliced onion in a little olive oil until lightly coloured, drain on kitchen paper, then add to the bowl of eggs and potatoes.

Heat a splash of olive oil in a 25cm (10in) non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat. Pour in the egg mixture and cook for 5 minutes, or until the bottom is set.

Turn the tortilla when it is almost set, and stable enough. First, lightly oil a round plate that’s larger than the frying pan you’re using to cook the tortilla. Place the oiled plate over the pan and swiftly turn the pan over so the half-cooked tortilla flips onto the plate. Then slide the tortilla back into the pan so you can cook the other side. Use a spatula to tuck in the edges, then fry for a few minutes more to set.

Meanwhile, preheat the grill to high. If you’re making the fried egg topping, melt the clarified butter in a large frying pan over a low heat, crack in the remaining 10 eggs and cook gently. The egg whites will join into one. If you can hear the eggs cooking, the heat is too high. Flash the pan under the grill for 3060 seconds, to ensure the eggs are set. Slide on top of the tortilla and garnish with slices of black truffle, if using.

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