Daily Express

Holly kidnap plot suspect ‘has terrified, threatened and detained real women’

- By Paul Jeeves Crime Editor

A SECURITY guard’s alleged plot to kidnap, rape and murder Holly Willoughby was more than fantasy as he had previously “done it for real”, a jury was told.

Gavin Plumb was branded a “prolific liar” who gained sexual arousal as he planned to abduct the TV host from her home to a dungeon, it was alleged.

The prosecutio­n in the trial of Plumb, 37, told jurors they could tell it was a real plan as there was nothing “sexy” about “boring details” he outlined to potential accomplice­s, including dates off work.

Alison Morgan KC said previous conviction­s showed Plumb had a “tendency” to commit acts aimed at controllin­g and terrifying women. She told jurors he is a man who has “done this for real”.

Ms Morgan added: “He has terrified, subdued, threatened and detained real women against their will.

“He has carried weapons for that purpose. Real people exist in the world now who were threatened and touched by this man.” She said Plumb was “looking to make sure that he didn’t fall into the errors that led to women being able to get away from him”.

Ms Morgan told Chelmsford Crown Court that Plumb bought chloroform, which she described as “synonymous with rendering people unconsciou­s”.

Referring to his claim it was to clean a stain, the barrister said: “Not the most obvious form of carpet cleaner, you may think.” She said Plumb had looked up “how long does chloroform knock you out for...

Not ‘how good is chloroform at getting a terrible stain off my carpet?’.”

The court has heard Plumb has two conviction­s for attempted kidnap and two offences of false imprisonme­nt.

Jailed for 32 months for false imprisonme­nt, he was freed after serving 16 months where he said he spent “99.9%” of his time in online chatrooms.

Ms Morgan said Plumb went to “great lengths to suggest to other people [the plot] was not fantasy”. She said he said “it’s really happening” when an undercover police officer sent an image of a flight booking: “He didn’t say: ‘Don’t do that, I was just kidding.’”

Ending her closing speech, Ms Morgan said: “He shocked even those who were prepared to fantasise with him.” Plumb denies soliciting murder, incitement to rape and incitement to kidnap.

The trial continues.

 ?? ?? ‘Weapons’... defendant Gavin Plumb
‘Weapons’... defendant Gavin Plumb
 ?? ?? ‘Target’...Holly Willoughby
‘Target’...Holly Willoughby

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