Daily Express

Key to fighting off fatigue


EVER had those days where you’re too lethargic to do anything? And do you get tired just thinking about how those days seem to be getting more frequent? If you’re feeling that your energy levels are on par with a battery that’s just about to give up, there could be a problem – but one that could be easy to sort out.

A lack of magnesium could be what’s really going on, and upping your magnesium levels can recharge your life. Magnesium is an essential mineral for all aspects of health, from muscles to bones, heart health, immunity, mood and even just a good night’s sleep – the mineral is vital for fighting tiredness and fatigue.

Amazingly, more than half of us in the UK aren’t getting our daily recommende­d magnesium intake from our diets.

More and more Brits are now discoverin­g the link between a lack of magnesium and persistent low energy, and finding that a supplement can help.

“I was feeling particular­ly tired and jaded about life in late 2020,” says Nicole Hylan, 57, a retired bookkeeper from Hampshire. Then Nicole read about a supplement called Magnesium+ developed by FutureYou Cambridge, a leading food supplement company known for its formulatio­ns backed by extensive scientific research.

“I tried it, and I was amazed,” she says. “I genuinely started to feel different within a couple of weeks.

“I started to feel much more perky – that’s the best word to describe it. I just felt less tired and more comfortabl­e at night, which meant I was sleeping better.

“I feel like I’ve got more energy and more desire to do stuff. I’ve taken them religiousl­y ever since.”

For Nicole, the effect wasn’t just physical. “Because I felt better, it just lightened my mood,” she explains.

“It was enough to start pushing my thoughts in a more positive direction – I genuinely believe it gave me the lift I needed to get me going again.”

Many standard supplement­s use magnesium oxide, but Magnesium+ uses a naturally-occurring mineral called magnesium lactate, which optimises and maintains the body’s magnesium levels.

“Magnesium oxide may contain a high amount of magnesium but it’s not easily released into the body,” says Dr Miriam Ferrer PhD, head of product developmen­t at FutureYou Cambridge.

“Taking more magnesium to try to make up for the problem isn’t the best approach, as too much can cause an upset stomach and other gastrointe­stinal side effects.

“Magnesium+ is twice as absorbable as a standard magnesium oxide supplement meaning you need much less per capsule to deliver the same amount, making it a much more efficient way to take this essential mineral.”

The chances are you don’t have to feel worn out, and it’s time to do something about it…

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 ?? ?? PERKED UP: Retiree Nicole Hylan credits Magnesium+ for giving her a new lease of life
PERKED UP: Retiree Nicole Hylan credits Magnesium+ for giving her a new lease of life

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