Daily Express

General knowledge quiz



1 Which British novelist wrote Brighton Rock?

2 Which French novelist wrote The Three Musketeers?

3 Which British author created the famous Larkin family in the 1958 novel The Darling Buds of May?

4 What nationalit­y was the painter Goya?

5 Which Irish novelist wrote the Gothic novel Dracula?

6 Who was Britain’s poet laureate from 1972 to 1984?


7 In which US state can the city of Pittsburgh be found?

8 Of which country is Stockholm the capital?

9 Scapa Flow is a section of which ocean?

10 The Galapagos Islands are part of which South American country?

11 Sicily is the largest island in which sea?

12 Of which former Soviet republic is Tbilisi the capital?


13 What name is given to trees of the genus


14 To which continent is the plant poison ivy


15 Which lark is noted for singing while hovering

or as it rises almost vertically in the air?

16 Which spiny shrub is also called furze or whin?

17 Which fish gets its name from its long

whisker-like barbels?

18 Which flowering plant is sometimes called the

Michaelmas daisy?


19 What is the highest numbered compartmen­t

on a roulette wheel?

20 Which British ice-dance partnershi­p won the

1984 Olympic gold medal?

21 Which is the better poker hand, two pairs or a

straight flush?

22 At which sport did Freddy Trueman represent


23 At which sport was Ray Reardon world

champion six times in the 1970s?

24 Which six-a-side team game is played with a

stick and puck on a rink?


25 According to the Old Testament, who received the Ten Commandmen­ts on Mount Sinai?

26 In which country did the form of theatre known as kabuki originate?

27 In Arthurian legend, which knight of the round table failed in the quest for the Holy Grail because of his love for Guinevere?

28 By what name was Zimbabwe known until 1979?

29 What nationalit­y was the pioneering psychoanal­yst Sigmund Freud?

30 Which sort of animals does one associate with equestrian­ism?

Solutions at the end

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