Daily Express

Pressure to vaccinate frontline workers

- By Michael Knowles and John Twomey

MINISTERS are under increasing pressure to sanction priority jabs for Britain’s frontline workers.

Police, teachers, firefighte­rs, prison officers and supermarke­t workers are requesting the vaccine after the most vulnerable groups have been immunised – but calls have so far been snubbed by the Government.

The Metropolit­an Police Federation is now considerin­g legal action under health and safety laws.

Frontline officers are technicall­y breaking the two-metre rule every time they go on duty. Chairman Ken

Marsh, who represents 32,000 officers, said: “The Government is treating us with contempt. We are not asking for the moon – we just want to be protected. Officers are scared for themselves and their families.”

One policeman has written to Boris Johnson to say he and colleagues are “appalled, perplexed and astounded” at being put at risk.

The constable from Hampshire sent the letter after a perilous shift on

“bed watch” at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, with someone he had arrested.

He said: “This person was on a Covid ward, which means I have spent my day with doctors and nurses coming directly into contact with the virus.”

The officer, who asked not to be named, lives with his elderly mum who has asthma. He added: “The notion we are not important enough to receive a vaccinatio­n in some sort of priority is prepostero­us.” Conservati­ve MP Robert Halfon, chair of the Education Select Committee, believes failing to vaccinate teachers is putting schooling at risk.

He said: “Teachers should be vaccinated as a priority.” Shop workers and drivers are being backed by unions with Paddy Lillis of USDAW saying they “played a key role”.

 ??  ?? ‘Legal action’... Ken Marsh
‘Legal action’... Ken Marsh

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