Daily Express

Windrush victim dies ‘broken’

- By News Reporter

A WINDRUSH campaigner has died “a broken woman” just a month after delivering a petition to Downing Street calling for action over the failings that led to the scandal.

Paulette Wilson was a “precious gem” who was “broken by the Government”, said friend and fellow campaigner Patrick Vernon.

Paulette, who died unexpected­ly aged 64 on Thursday, lived inWolverha­mpton after coming came to Britain from Jamaica aged 10 in the late 1960s.

She endured the threat deportatio­n for two years.

Some of that time was spent some time in a detention centre before finally being told she could stay in the UK in 2017.

Patrick said: “It’s a complete shock. She died a broken of woman. People underestim­ate the impact of the hostile environmen­t, which is based on fear and intimidati­on.”

He was with Paulette last month when they delivered a petition to Downing Street signed by more than 130,000 people calling for action to address failings, as well as demanding swift compensati­on payments for victims.

He described a tweet posted by Home Secretary Priti Patel.

Ms Patel wrote: “Deeply saddened by the passing of Paulette Wilson who dedicated her last years to highlight the terrible injustices faced by the Windrush generation.

“Together we must continue on her mission to right the wrongs.” Patrick added: “By the end of today, there’s going to be so much anger in the community about how she’s been treated.

“They took humanity, her self-respect.

“And there’s lots of people in her situation, in the same boat as her.”

He added: “It’s just outrageous. The compensati­on scheme needs to be removed from the Home Office because they’re not fit to run it.”

Paulette’s daughter, Natalie Barnes, said: “My mum was a fighter and was ready to fight for anyone.

“She was an inspiratio­n to many people. She was my heart and my soul and I loved her to pieces.” away dignity, her her

 ??  ?? Campaigner...Paulette Wilson
Campaigner...Paulette Wilson

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