Daily Express

Russell Grant

Britain’s celebrity astrologer


Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

You need to think long and hard about your career. A topsy-turvy few hours bring moments of excitement and also some anxious feelings. A loved one will want to discuss your options with you. You feel more in tune with family and friends.

0905 789 3701**

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

In order to resolve issues you will need to think beyond the convention­al. A new slant on life will have a stabilisin­g effect. Push yourself a little more than you normally would and you will find out where your boundaries are.

0905 789 3702**

Gemini May 22 – June 21

You want to find out how much you can discuss with someone without fear of being rejected. You will sense it when someone is starting to put up barriers.Your boss is not willing to discuss matters that are on your mind.

0905 789 3703**

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

A meaningful conversati­on will lead you to reversing an upsetting decision. You are secretly glad to discover a situation is not what it seems. Personal affairs and family matters will go a lot more smoothly.

0905 789 3707**

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

Taking on new responsibi­lities will be fortuitous. A golden opportunit­y is within reach. In the workplace there will be the odd hurdle to overcome. You will do this with ease. Are you single? A flirtation can occur in the most unlikely place.

0905 789 3708**

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

People in your community or friends on Facebook express interest in your ideas. Start a group where everyone can contribute and get a new project under way. A senior colleague will admire your bold behaviour.

0905 789 3709**

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