Daily Express

We can look forward to boom time COMMENT

- Financial expert DAVID ANDREWS

IT IS as if an invisible weight has been lifted off the collective shoulders of the nation.

The economy, without a doubt, is now once again back on a proper roll. And it’s a good feeling.

After years of labouring under the lengthenin­g shadows of doubt and indecision created by the Brexit process, we are now free to plough our own furrow.

We are moving up through the gears, and with hugely promising trade talks in far-flung countries almost certainly looking to work in our favour, we can continue to look forward to a boom time ahead.

Wherever you look, there are signs of optimism.

Take the property market, always a reliable indicator of the health of the UK economy.

Estate agents around the country are reporting a surge in new business enquiries.

Hard pressed homeowners, desperate to sell in recent years but impeded by the fear of the unknown, can now feel finally, that there is room for real hope.

We have a full employment economy – employers and business leaders may now start to feel that they can hire new talent and continue to secure many more jobs.

The United Kingdom has always been a great trading nation.

Four hundred years ago, when our merchant ships were sailing the high seas to the far flung corners of the Earth, their crews rightly felt invincible.

That entreprene­urial spirit and can-do sense which helped create and underpin the stable, dynamic economy that we enjoy today is with us once again.

We can, as a nation, finally move forwards, unshackled and free of the EU constraint­s which have dogged us for nearly five decades.

We have given the world the benefit of our industrial and creative expertise for centuries.

We have fought terrible wars. We have come through, bruised, battered maybe, but we have come through and triumphed.

And we will do so again.We are indeed Great Britain.

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