Daily Express

Turmeric spicing up walkies

GEORGE NICHOLS takes a look at a new diet supplement for dogs


THEY say pets are like their owners – and a scientific­ally-tested dietary supplement proves the point. Curcumin, a component of the bright orange spice that illuminate­s our curries, has been bringing relief to sufferers of joint problems for some time – and now it’s doing the same for dogs. It all started when users of Turmeric+ told the maker, Cambridge-based supplement leader FutureYou, that they’d been giving it to their pets – with exciting results.

“Lots of customers started telling us that they were giving Turmeric+ to their pets after experienci­ng the benefits for themselves – horses, cats, even a parrot – although most were sharing it with their dogs,” says FutureYou CEO Adam Cleevely.

“Their feedback was so positive that we created a special formulatio­n for dogs. We know that dogs in the UK are living longer, just like their owners; they need the same help to deal with issues we all see with age, including joint problems.”

The result is CurcuPet-K9, the Turmeric+ formulatio­n adapted for pets. Turmeric+ is easier to absorb than other turmeric supplement­s and works in a natural way, making the new formulatio­n perfect for pets – as a test run on the dogs of Turmeric+ customers has shown.

Denise Setchfield’s Rottweiler Miya had swollen paws which made it difficult to play fight with her brother Bear, a one-year-old puppy, or go running in the forest. Denise was making a home-made turmeric paste, which helped a little, but after two weeks on CurcuPet-K9 there was an amazing improvemen­t: “The tablets make her life

more enjoyable. Miya is active and wants to join in, get involved and playing with Bear.”

Brian and Julie Cully, from Banknock near Edinburgh, gave CurcuPet-K9 to border collie, Blue, after they both saw good results from Turmeric+. “It is tremendous to see her now,” says Brian. “You can see the relief in her face, she’s like a different dog.” Blue has stopped limping and is so much more active.

RETIRED vet Pooler Leeman, from Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, saw similar improvemen­ts with his chocolate Labrador, Whiskey – he is keeping up with him during walks rather than lagging behind. “Like most 10-year-old Labs he has joint problems but he is bouncier after only one week on tablets,” says Pooler. “There’s no placebo effect with CurcuPet-K9,” says Cleevely. “When you give a supplement to your dog, you can tell if it is working based on their behaviour. We’re thrilled that customers are seeing such positive changes, and that we’re helping these dogs stay active for years to come.”

BOUNCING BACK: Labrador Whiskey is now keeping up the pace on walks

CurcuPet-K9 is available from futureyouh­ealth.com

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