Daily Express

NATIONS201­8 Farrell hails

- Neil

SAM UNDERHILL will play many more Tests for England but it is unlikely he will ever deliver as telling a single moment as the cover tackle on Scott Williams that Owen Farrell described as “one of the best you’ll see”.

Coming from Farrell, whose own contributi­ons in defence and in tactical kicking were otherworld­ly on Saturday, that is quite a compliment –and one that fledgling flanker Underhill richly deserved.

Without it, there is every chance that Wales would have pulled off another famous Twickenham heist.

Gareth Anscombe’s controvers­ially disallowed first-half try will be debated until the cows come REPORTS the second time in the past 20 meetings between the two sides. “That tackle by Sam Underhill was unbelievab­le,” said Farrell.

“It was a proper contact by Sam. Normally people get there and try to get them into touch. He got in close, got his shoulder on him, flipped him over and did not even given him the chance to place the ball. He’s a tackling machine.

“That certainly gave us energy. It would have been a proper scrap for the rest of the game otherwise.”

England’s flying start, with Jonny May crossing for two tries in an opening 20 minutes the home side dominated aerially, had long been forgotten as Wales – making light of their litany of lost Lions – stressed England and finally found a missing brick in the white wall. Williams dived so early that he may even have spluttered to an embarrassi­ng stop short of the line of his own accord but Underhill, on as a half-time replacment for his home Six Nations debut with Sam Simmonds departing to a shoulder injury, could not take that chance.

Underhill said: “I think they were on our 22 and I remember slipping over and then I remember sheer panic. I remember just pegging it to the corner because they had an overlap. I’m so glad I made it in time.

“There is a technique behind it but it’s a rare occurrence and it’s the same as most tackles.

“It’s just down to your intent to get there and your attitude.”

Underhill was on Wales’s radar during his student days at Cardiff University.

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 ??  ?? CLOSE CALL: Anscombe appears to beat Watson to the ball
CLOSE CALL: Anscombe appears to beat Watson to the ball
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