Daily Express

Fears on historic Brexit mistake

- By Alison Little Deputy Political Editor

A GROUP of up to 40 pro-Brexit Tory MPs yesterday called on the Government to make sure Britain is “well and truly out” of the EU in 18 months’ time.

In a move that sparked bitter rows with pro-EU colleagues they signed a letter declaring it would be an “historic mistake” to accept any interim deals that kept the UK in the bloc “by stealth”.

They warned staying in the single market was staying in the EU by “another name” and suggested Britain should stop paying money to Brussels as soon as the UK formally leaves in March 2019.

The demand goes against the view that Britain will maximise chances of a good deal by agreeing to pay dues for a transition phase of up to two years after we leave.

Some of the backers insisted they were targeting Labour, because of its policy of temporaril­y staying in the single market after Brexit.

Others said they wanted to issue a warning to Cabinet ministers such as Chancellor Philip Hammond who are pressing for a “softer” Brexit.

Ministers say that leaving in 2019 means quitting the single market and customs union at the same time. But terms of a subsequent “implementa­tion period” are yet to be negotiated with Brussels. The Government does not expect to be able to put any new trade deals into effect until that time is over.

Pro-EU Tories accused the group of trying to tie Theresa May’s hands in crucial talks and drive the country into a “hard” Brexit.

The letter was circulated within the European Research Group and signed by up to 40 MPs, including at least two ministeria­l aides.

It was leaked yesterday just as the Commons started debating the so-called Great Repeal Bill.

They warned: “Continued membership of the single market, even as part of a transition­al arrangemen­t, would quite simply mean EU membership by another name, and we cannot allow our country to be kept in the EU by stealth.”

The letter added: “The Government must respect the will of the British people, and that means leaving the single market at the same time as we leave the EU.”

Labour’s goal of staying in the single market would end up being “a conveyor belt to ever more European integratio­n”, adding: “As long as we remain in the single market, we will have to make payments into the EU budget, and will be unable to take advantage of the freedoms available...such as the ability to deport foreign criminals.”

They added to stop anyone using a transition deal to “keep the UK in the EU by stealth” the Government must secure a clear timetable. Britain must also be free to sign trade deals during the transition. They say we must have the power to take back control of key parts of its immigratio­n system.

The letter adds: “In short, when we leave in 2019, we need to make sure we are well and truly out.” Mrs May last night said negotiatio­ns were working for the best possible deal for the UK “which requires some period of implementa­tion”.

PRO-BREXIT MPs have used a letter to warn the Government that staying in the single market would be a “historic mistake”. They are absolutely right. It is only by quitting the single market that we can take back control of our borders, laws, taxes and trading relationsh­ips. Until this has been achieved nobody can claim that Brexit has been delivered.

This is a point that was made many times including by both Leave and Remain campaigner­s ahead of the referendum. Since then even Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell have said that Brexit has to mean quitting the single market.

Unbelievab­ly though this is a point that bears repeating because not everybody has yet got the message.

Still there are Remoaners who think they can bounce the Government into accepting continued single market membership, a shoddy situation that would leave us under the thumb of Brussels for ever. This is what they mean by a “soft Brexit”. It is a scenario that must be avoided.

Meanwhile it is reassuring to know that prominent Brexiteers within the Conservati­ve Party are still well organised and committed to resisting Remoaner attempts to dilute Brexit.

As the parliament­ary battle over the necessary legislatio­n continues those MPs willing to stand up for democracy and demand a true Brexit will be more important than ever.

 ??  ?? David Davis, above, Barnier, top right, and outspoken Juncker, right
David Davis, above, Barnier, top right, and outspoken Juncker, right

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