Daily Express

Lead as Corbyn plots tax rises7

Labour candidate is sent disgusting sex messages Jeremy from Islington ambushes Theresa... but she was ready!

- By Chris Riches By Macer Hall

A PROSPECTIV­E MP has slammed social media trolls who made lewd comments about her body and asked for sexual favours in return for votes.

Emily Owen, 22, the Labour Party candidate in Aberconwy, North Wales, said she had been inundated with “disgusting” messages, with one man writing: “How many votes for a striptease?”

Miss Owen, who has posted a string of “selfie” images on Facebook, hit back in a post, saying: “I have to say I’m shocked. I’m more than willing to engage in political conversati­on. What is not acceptable is flooding me with messages about what sexual acts I’m prepared to perform to get votes, what bra size I am, how many votes needed for me to strip. I’ve been debating ignoring it but this behaviour is disgusting.”

“Those posting the abuse are cowards,” she added. “Nobody ever says anything like that when I go around knocking on doors.” THERESA May yesterday dismissed a fresh challenge from Jeremy Corbyn for a live TV debate in the final weeks of the General Election campaign.

The Labour leader used a Facebook appearance by the Prime Minister to sneak in a question about a broadcast clash in the run-up to polling day on June 8.

The Prime Minister curtly rejected his challenge, insisting she wanted to concentrat­e on speaking directly to voters.

Mrs May was interviewe­d by ITV News political editor Robert Peston for 45 minutes on Facebook Live, answering a handful of questions out of 30,000 submitted by users.


Among the questions was one from “Jeremy Corbyn of Islington”, which said: “Hello Theresa May, as Prime Minister you’ve served your elite friends by giving them tax cuts when wages have stagnated, house-building is at its lowest since the 1920s, there are 20,000 fewer police on our streets since 2010 and the NHS is in crisis.

“Do you not think the British people deserve to see me and you debate live on television?”

Mrs May responded: “What is more important is that I and he take questions directly from the voters. I don’t think people get much out of seeing politician­s having a go at each other. People want to hear directly.”

Mr Corbyn later posted on Twitter: “Thanks Peston for reading my question to Theresa May asking why she won’t debate me. It’s weak leadership to hide from your record.”

Mrs May did discuss her Type 1 diabetes, revealing she injects herself with insulin five times a day. She urged diabetics not to allow it to hold them back from Tuesday May 16 2017 doing what they want in life. ITV has invited the leaders of the seven biggest parties to a live election debate in Salford, Gtr Manchester, on Thursday.

Mrs May said she will not take part in any television debate.

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 ?? ?? Aspiring MP Emily Owen was trolled after posting selfies
Aspiring MP Emily Owen was trolled after posting selfies

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