Daily Express

Ross Clark

- Political commentato­r

Pulitzer Prize for his glowing reports from Stalin’s Soviet Union – seemingly unable to see evidence of a man-made famine which was to kill more than five million people.

Schama should also look up the case of eight-year-old Yuusuf Warsame, a British boy killed in a grenade explosion while on a visit to the Swedish city of Gothenburg last August.

A year earlier a young girl was killed in a car bomb explosion in Gothenburg, believed to be a skirmish in a war between Somali gangs. Last January a female employee at an asylum centre was stabbed to death by one of the “children”.

Schama might also like to recall the car bombing outside Stockholm central station in 2010 when, thanks only to good fortune, the only death was that of the perpetrato­r himself, an Iraqi granted Swedish citizenshi­p in the 1990s.

For the most part Sweden remains a safe country with an enviable lifestyle. But it goes to show that setting yourself up as a humanitari­an superpower won’t protect you from falling victim to Islamist terrorism.

Extend a welcome mat, fail to vet arrivals and it is certain that you won’t just be welcoming desperate refugees: you will be taking in criminals too.

If the Swedish government thought that its high living standards could easily be extended to migrants with low skills and who do not speak the language it has been disappoint­ed. Many think of Sweden as a country which leads the way in social standards but that can’t be how it seemed for the 18 migrant boys found sleeping rough in an abandoned building in Gothenburg.

As in Britain, migrants arriving in Sweden have a rather different demographi­c pattern than you would expect from a genuine population of refugees. There is a lack of families and an overwhelmi­ng prepondera­nce of young men: males outnumber females 5 to 1.

Every wealthy nation could and should do what it can to help refugees but the Swedish approach is doing far more to help healthy, fit young men fleeing from trouble spots than it is doing to help women, young children or the elderly. On most things the UN can’t stop bleating about discrimina­tion against women and girls and yet it is happy to give Sweden a big pat on the back for a policy which ensures just that.

IT isn’t Sweden which leads Europe on a sensible policy on refugees, it is Britain. True we make many of the same mistakes as Sweden when it comes to failing to deport failed asylum-seekers but the direction of British policy is right. We contribute £2.3billion – more than any other country – into dealing with refugees in Syria and neighbouri­ng countries. We also take 20,000 refugees directly from camps.

Yet at the same time we are maintainin­g a fairly tight barrier against migrants entering Britain. By doing so we are doing what we can to dissuade people from falling victim to people-trafficker­s and making dangerous journeys across the Mediterran­ean. By trying to turn away bogus asylum seekers we are concentrat­ing limited resources on those who really need our help.

Slowly Sweden is coming round to the same conclusion: that simply putting out the welcome mat is a recipe for disaster. Mr Lofven’s government is not so much a “humanitari­an superpower” as a slow learner.

‘The days of mass immigratio­n are over’

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