Daily Express

Better hearing has made my confidence grow at work


WORKING in a clinic Donna Fletcher was having trouble hearing what was said when she took important calls on the phone. But now she’s been given a lifeline with her new hearing aids, from Amplifon, a global hearing specialist.

The 55-year-old explains: “At work, I have to use the telephone throughout the day. This was a part of the job I dreaded as I used to find it very difficult to hear people, especially if the surroundin­g area was noisy as well, such as people talking or machines clattering.”

Donna grew up with sensorineu­ral hearing loss, caused by damage to the sensitive hair cells inside the inner ear or damage to the auditory nerve.

It means she not only had difficulty hearing quiet sounds, but because the quality of sound is also affected, she always found it hard to understand speech.

At school, Donna often had to try to guess what her teachers were saying.

Despite seeing a number of ‘specialist­s’ over the years she didn’t get any treatment that significan­tly helped with her hearing problems.

And throughout her working life Donna struggled to hear not only what callers on the phone were saying but to hear fellow staff too.

She was forever telling the staff she worked with to face her when they spoke, and not to talk whilst walking way.

Donna got so frustrated that she ended up not telling people that she was hard of hearing.

She admits: “I used to try and get out of answering the telephone as much as possible.”

Then Donna’s mother read about Amplifon and persuaded her to see them.

A bit reluctant at first, Donna says she was quickly put at ease when she went for her appointmen­t.

She found her Amplifon audiologis­t very gentle and explained exactly what tests she would be doing and why.

Donna enthuses: “I found it very interestin­g especially when she asked me to speak into a microphone which she used to simulate people talking, first one or two and then more and more voices whilst asking me what I could or could not hear.

“The other thing I found fascinatin­g was when she used the computer to visually show me the difference between the range of hearing I had in my right and my left ear.

“Once she had completed her tests she showed me the range of hearing aids available and discussed with me which ones would suit me best.”

On her next visit, Donna went to collect her hearing aids. Her audiologis­t went through how to clean them and how to put the batteries in, and then adjusted the volume until Donna was happy with the results.

When the audiologis­t did a final test by walking behind Donna and speaking the effect was overwhelmi­ng.

Donna smiles: “It was one of the most amazing experience­s of my life. I was so shocked that I burst into tears. For the first time I could hear, clearly and distinctly, what someone was saying behind me without them having to cough or tap me on the shoulder, it was wonderful.”

Back at work Donna’s hearing aids meant that she no longer feared taking telephone calls.

Donna says: “Now it doesn’t bother me at all because I have four options on my hearing aids to choose from so if it gets a little noisy I just switch channels so to speak and that’s that!” She also feels more part of things. Donna adds: “It has made work so much easier and my confidence has grown, I can now join in the banter with both staff and patients which makes me feel much more like a member of the team.”

Her only regret is that she didn’t visit Amplifon sooner.

She says: “I would like to say to anyone out there who is hard of hearing give Amplifon a try, I guarantee your life will be changed.

“It is the sounds of life that add joy to each day and the loss of them can make the days seem long and dark.

“Trust me, I know! I’ve spent most of my life on the outside of things because I couldn’t hear but now I can and so can you.”

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